If you’re going to be taking snaps this Halloween, here are several useful tips and techniques that can help you create some of the most stunning photos that will last a lifetime. Some of the best techniques include simple things like finding the correct lighting to other things you may not have considered, such as using Halloween-themed props like pumpkins/jack-o-lanterns, cobwebs, headstones, skeletons, and witches hats, to name just a few. 

You also need to consider several other important factors, such as your subject matter, the angle at which you should take your photographs, and whether you will need to use your flash or not. Find out more about how to make the most of your Halloween photos right here. 

What kind of lighting is best?

While it’s not absolutely essential, it would be a good idea to take Halloween-themed photos in low light. This doesn’t mean you should take pictures when it’s pitch black, but instead of taking them when the sun is at its zenith, maybe wait until dusk and use the natural light or street lights when taking your snaps. If you’re indoors, perhaps switch off all the main lights, and use either a lamp or natural low lighting. You could try taking some pictures with your flash on and others with it switched off to see which photos come out best. 

Consider your subject matter

You will need to think about what kind of photos you want to take. For example, do you want to take a picture of your kids or friends in their Halloween costumes in a party setting/atmosphere, or do you want to go into the woods to take a photo of a spooky dead tree or run-down old barn? If you’re looking to take a photo of something from the natural world, then you may want to do some research prior to Halloween, so you’re not wasting time searching for a rotting tree or the perfect location. If you’re taking photos of people, less planning is needed, and these types of photos can easily be more spontaneous. 

If you’re taking a picture of a person or people out in the open, you don’t want to leave it too late in the evening. Taking images just before the sun is setting would be the ideal time for the perfect Halloween picture. Don’t forget that you can then add your favourite Halloween photos to a specially designed photo book using an online photo book maker.

What are the best props to use in Halloween photos?

Some of the best props to use in your Halloween photos are the obvious ones, such as:

  • pumpkins and jack-o-lanterns 
  • spiders & cobwebs, and other creepy crawlies
  • fake skeletons 
  • cemetery/graveyard headstones with the letters R.I.P 
  • witches hats and broomsticks
  • cauldrons
  • bats and crows
  • ghosts/phantoms
  • clowns, werewolves, and zombies
  • pitchforks and devils

Other things to remember to get the most out of your Halloween photos

Remember to use a decent camera when taking pictures over the Halloween period. In other words, don’t use a cheap camera that will only create rubbish photos for you. It doesn’t have to be an expensive piece of kit, but something that will not let you down. Take plenty of photographs so that you can get rid of the bad ones and save only the good ones, and take photos with varying shutter speeds, where possible. Finally, don’t forget to have fun while taking photos so that you can show them off to your friends and family members for years to come.