The need to manage your bankroll is one of the most discussed aspects of gambling. It is very important that you keep your bankroll running when you gamble. Online gambling is gaining huge popularity in Canada nowadays, and the money invested in it by players is quite the fortune. Online deposit methods for your bankroll in Canada are plenty, with credit and debit cards being the most popular choices.

Without a well-managed bankroll, it will not be possible for you to keep gambling at an online casino, making it necessary for you to understand where you should invest your money thoughtfully.

poker chip on white surface

When you play for real money you should know where your stakes are at. This article shares a few important tips that will help you manage your bankroll better and gamble like a professional player, just like people in the Netherlands do. 

Let us first discuss what exactly online casino bankroll management is.

A few words on casino bankroll management

Your bankroll in an online casino is the total amount of funds that you use to gamble, including what you spend on the internet or your phone. One aspect that you save on while gambling online is transportation to get to a casino. 

Pay attention that you:

  • Spend only what you can handle
  • Keep an eye on your remaining balance
  • Do not ignore the basic areas of your day-to-day life 

What should be the size of your bankroll?

The answer to this question is subjective and you need to consider a few factors before you make a decision, such as the games that you are interested in. Games like Blackjack and roulette have longer sessions and your bankroll size will depend on the minimum bet at the table.

Poker depends highly on your skills and strategies for you to be able to maintain your chips in hand. Even slot machine games can do with bankroll management. Shell out only small amounts while on slot machines and then gradually increase the amount after you have understood your odds and chances better.

The stakes that you wish to play for

There are two kinds of stakes you can play, fixed and variable stakes.

You should consider a fixed staking plan if you are a beginner or betting for recreational purposes. You will be more comfortable using a steady wager for every game that you play. Usually fixed stakes require a very small amount of money deposit in your bankroll, which helps minimize risk.

Variable stakes are useful if you plan to fluctuate your amount in every wager. It is advisable to maintain a fixed percentage of your bankroll to ensure you don’t put your bank amount in high risk. Ensure that you understand the risks and returns of your bet properly.

The duration of your play per session

Decide on the time duration of your play per session. If you wish to gamble for short sessions you can keep your bankroll tight and limited. Always set an upper limit for your bankroll to avoid spending more than you can afford, says Michelle H. Thomas. Michelle is a leading author and expert on gambling. 

The total number of sessions you decide to play

If you want to play multiple sessions of a game, your bankroll budget needs to be divided after a good calculation of your existing funds and expected results. Do not set very high upper limits on your bets each session and make sure you have a time limit planned out to stop you from going overboard.

Remember to:

person sitting near poker chips

Set your limits

You should be well aware of how much exactly you can afford to spend. Fix your budget and stick to it. Always consider the losses you will have to face while gambling.

Set yourself a stop loss

Stop when you have famished your bankroll limit and leave the game. Do not continue to spend more than what you pre decide.

Choose your online casinos carefully

Conduct proper market research before you start rolling out your funds. With the endless options of online casinos it is easy to fall into the wrong hands and have your money stolen. Look for legally licensed and regulated casinos only.

Play games you understand 

Stick to games you are well versed with to avoid repetitive losses with no returns.

Claim and use all the bonuses

Use all the bonuses and prizes that the games offer you so that you reduce the expenditure from your bankroll.

Keep your emotions out of the game

Do not get too emotional over your bets. Whether you win or lose, learn to curb your desires from betting more than you can.


In short, plan your bankroll wisely and enjoy gambling responsibly in order to gain from it rather than lose it all.