Bed bugs are one of the most common pests in London. You or someone you know has almost certainly had a run-in with them. It might have occurred in a meticulously clean room. Or it could have been a hotel room, business office, or college dormitory. Whatever the setting, the experience is always the same: finding yourself being bitten by tiny, reddish-brown insects. According to Pest Control London, bed bug infestation starts when the female bed bug lays her eggs in cracks and crevices. The eggs hatch after about a week, and the young bed bugs, called nymphs, start to feed. They go through five molts, or development stages, before reaching adulthood. The post below will discuss how bed bug infestation starts and how to prevent them.

What Are Bedbugs, And How Does A Bedbug Infestation Start?

Bedbugs are small, brownish insects that feed on blood. They’re about the size of an apple seed and can live for several months without eating. Bedbugs are most active at night when they bite people while sleeping. But how does a bedbug infestation start? Let’s look at the life cycle of a bedbug to find out.

A bedbug starts its life as an egg. The egg hatches into a tiny nymph or baby bedbug. Nymphs are translucent, meaning you can see through them. They’re also very small-about, about the size of a pinhead. Nymphs feed on blood and molt or shed their skin five times before they become adults. As nymphs grow, they molt five times. After their final molt, they’re about the size of an adult bedbug. Bedbugs can live for several months without eating, but they prefer to feed every five to ten days.

An infestation will start when a bedbug hitchhikes into your home on luggage, furniture, or clothing. Once inside, they’ll hide in cracks and crevices, waiting for someone to sleep in their bed so they can come out and feed. Bedbugs are most active at night when people are asleep and can’t feel them biting.

If you think you might have a bedbug infestation, look for the following signs:

-Rusty or reddish stains on sheets or pillowcases

-Dark spots on mattresses, walls, or ceilings

-Eggs and eggshells, which are white and about the size of a pinhead

-Bedbug feces, which are small, dark, and look like dots of blood

Call a pest control professional immediately if you see any of these signs. They’ll be able to identify the problem and get rid of the bedbugs.

How To Defend Against The Dreaded Pests

Preventing a bedbug infestation is the best way to defend against them. To ensure you don’t get bedbugs, follow these tips:

-When traveling, check your hotel room for bedbugs. Look for the signs listed above. If you see any, call the front desk and ask to be moved to a different room.

-When buying used furniture, inspect it for bedbugs before bringing it into your home. Again, look for the signs listed above. 

-If you think you have bedbugs, call a pest control professional immediately. Do not try to remove them yourself, as this can make the problem worse.

If you think that you already have an infestation of bedbugs, below is what you can do:

-Wash your bedding, clothing, and curtains in hot water. This will kill any bedbugs or eggs that are present.

-Vacuum your entire home, including under furniture, cracks, and crevices. This will remove any bedbugs that are present.

-Seal any cracks and crevices in your home with caulk or another sealant. This will prevent bedbugs from entering your home.

When To Hire A Professional And What To Consider When Hiring One

If you have followed the above tips by yourself and the bedbugs are still there, then it may be time to contact a professional. According to the National Pest Management Association, more than 10,000 professional pest control companies exist in the United States. These companies have the experience and knowledge to quickly and effectively remove bedbugs. When hiring a pest control professional, consider the following:

The size of your infestation: You’ll need to hire a professional if you have a large infestation. To know the size of your infestation, look for the signs listed above. The more signs you see, the larger the infestation is.

The type of treatment you want: There are a few different ways to treat bedbugs. Some pest control companies use heat to kill the bugs, while others use chemicals. You want to go with a company that uses the treatment method you’re comfortable with.

Your budget: Hiring a professional can be expensive. Be sure to get quotes from a few companies before deciding. Some companies even offer payment plans to make the process more affordable.

Bedbugs are small, parasitic insects that feed on the blood of humans. They’re most active at night and prefer to hide in cracks and crevices during the day. Look for the signs listed above if you think you might have a bedbug infestation. Preventing a bedbug infestation is the best way to defend against them. To ensure you don’t get bedbugs, follow the tips listed above. Call a pest control professional if you think you have bedbugs, and do not try to remove them yourself.