If you are moving, you will need to know how to save on internet, cable, and phone services. Want to learn how? Once you know how to do it, it is not that difficult. We will show you some tried-and-true ways to save on internet, cable, and phone and still get the most out of your monthly payment.

  1. Do not pay for services you do not watch

When you learn how to save on internet, cable, and phone, you can figure out how to save on cable. It’s easier to give up cable TV than say internet or phone, as there are several options that let you watch your favorite shows and save money.

If you prefer local or network channels, consider buying an indoor antenna or a cable modem instead of the full cable package. 

  1. Combine your services and save!

Cable companies generally offer other services, including phone and Internet. Bundling these services can save you money overpaying for them individually. If you are a household user of multiple services, this is one way you can reduce your bills.

Obviously, this is only effective if you need more than one service. The number of homes with internet connections is almost as high as the number of homes with phone services. Therefore, you could save money by bundling your internet and TV services. As a result, your cable bill and internet bill both go down.

Additionally, cable companies sometimes offer bundles of services that offer better values than getting each service separately. Keep your eyes peeled for these promotional deals to take advantage of a great deal on many services and save money.

  1. Change providers

If you have tried to negotiate with your cable provider and it has failed, you might want to consider looking for another company. If a deal with another company is too good to pass up, it might be worth it to switch.

Changing cable companies will help you save a lot of money, so you will be able to save money on your cable bill regardless of what cable company you choose. Cable companies want your business, so they will compete for your business. Getting the best cable service is as easy as bouncing between different companies.

The next time your bill goes up when a promotion with a company ends and their competitors offer promotions for new or returning customers, see if their competitors offer any promotions. Then, choose the service provider that offers you the most for the least each month and lock in the deal.

In some areas, there are not enough cable providers available to make this work, but if you are in one of these areas, then it might be worth a try.

On a side note, if you want to change your provider and are open to suggestions, maybe try Optimum. The Optimum cable packages are highly affordable with a great channel list. 

  1. Reduce your cable package

When you pay for a cable package, you probably already know which programs and channels you watch most often. Consider cutting certain channels out of your package entirely if you can do without them. You could save a lot of money by doing so.

If your favorite show just started a new season and you decided to add HBO Max or ABC to your package, be sure to get rid of it. If you do not use it much once the show is over, make sure you get rid of it from your package. Otherwise, you are spending money on something you are not using.

  1. Examine your bill

It is common for cable bills to rise, but it is hard to tell why. If you monitor your bill monthly, you will see if there have been any unexpected additions.

The monthly cable bill will not change if you’re under contract. However, if you are out of the contract, you are likely to start seeing some increases. Keep an eye on equipment, promotions, and other charges you are paying for. It will not be difficult for you to discuss your cable bill with your cable provider as long as you know what you are supposed to pay from the start.

  1. Ask your cable company for a discount

The process of discussing your bills with your cable provider is not usually fun, especially when negotiating a new deal. You want your cable bill lowered, but the cable provider does not want it lowered.

If you are paying more than you used to for your cable bill, you should negotiate. You should also consider the competition and what price you can get for a similar deal/package if you know what you were paying, for how long, and what you want to pay.

Despite making a ton of money, your cable company still loses money if you decide to leave. Therefore, they should be happy to get you back at your previous price point even if you decide to leave. You will have a better chance of getting your bill lowered if you are prepared with competitor prices and clearly determined to do so.


Saving money on cable and the internet can be really tough, especially when you cannot imagine your day without it. However, it is not impossible if you are a little careful and wise. With the aforementioned tips, you might actually do some savings. We hope you find this article helpful.