Glasses are a product made according to the specific needs of the wearer and are the result of a complex optical craftsmanship. On this and the following pages, we explain how to choose your glasses: from the vision test to the centering of the lenses up to the adaptation of glasses made according to your needs. After reading this article, you will be ready to buy cool glasses without worry.

You won’t find two identical! Some have a round head, some square, some elongated and even the face shapes are different: some have narrower, some wider. Not to mention the nose! There are those with a Greco-Roman profile, those with a wide or snub nose, small or lumpy, large or thin, long or short. The same pair of glasses will certainly not be suitable for every nose.

And then there are the eyes! Sometimes they are very far from each other, others are very close together. In many cases, the left eye is not at the same height as the right eye. If you blindly order a pair of pre-assembled glasses, the result on your face is sure to be a lottery. Glasses that aren’t custom made offer a poor fit. They slip from the nose or press on the ears.

Furthermore, the risks and side effects that go far beyond a comfortable fit should not be underestimated: only a few millimeters of difference in centering determine prismatic effects that can lead to fatigue, malaise or migraine.

No one would wear shoes that are too small or too big, except in conditions of strict necessity. Shoe sizes are extremely approximate when compared with the units of measurement that are important in making glasses. For round glasses, a millimeter of deviation makes the difference between good and bad vision.

Pay attention to the correct centering of the lenses of your glasses!

You need to make sure the lenses of your glasses are centered by competent opticians with the utmost precision: the determination made with millimeter accuracy of the interpupillary distance and the centering height of the lenses guarantee good vision. Just a few millimeters of difference produce prismatic effects which, in turn, can cause fatigue, malaise or migraine.

Glasses are a made-to-measure product. Today, the customer and his needs come first and take precedence over other aspects, albeit important ones, such as the shape and color of the frame, the material and fashion trends! The customer’s daily activities are important to analyze their needs. How is your job? How is your vision when you drive your car or when you shop? Are you happy with your old glasses? In my case, the answer to the needs analysis questions was a clear “No”. Yes, I had gotten used to my old presbyopia glasses, but I hadn’t been happy with them for a long time. At the computer I had to stretch my neck like a giraffe to be able to see clearly. The neck muscles were obviously affected and reacted with painful tensions. In the supermarket I could only decipher the labels with great effort and the evening reading before falling asleep was a torture for the eyes.

In the choice of eyeglasses, visual acuity, measured in diopters, represents only one of the many parameters that must be ascertained. Ideally, the values of axis, interpupillary distance, cylinder and centering of the lenses are determined through a series of tests and measurements. If you do not have an ophthalmologist’s prescription, the optician will be happy to perform a test.