Are you contemplating repairing, renovating, or re-stumping your driveway?

A beautiful driveway is a good selling point when selling a house and can increase the curb appeal of a home. Improved walkways, gateways, and patios are not good for appearance but also provide several practical benefits.

If you’re ready to embark on a driveway renovation, then you’re wondering how to do it and what is the cost of concrete driveways. Are you not sure where to start? We’ve got you covered.

Read on to get started on upgrading your driveway renovation today.

Remove All the Existing Concrete

If you are planning to renovate your driveway, the step is to remove all the existing concrete. This may seem like a daunting task, but not that difficult. You will need to rent a jackhammer, and a concrete saw.

When you have all the equipment, begin removing the driveway concrete by chipping it away with the jackhammer. Once all the concrete driveway resurfacing is removed, you can start installing the new driveway extensions.

Prepare the Subgrade by Leveling It

To ensure it did your driveway renovation the right way, be sure to prepare the subgrade by leveling it. This will ensure a smooth, level surface for your new driveway.

If the subgrade is not level, it can cause issues with your new driveways, such as cracking or unevenness. To level, use a laser or line level to find any high or low spots.

Then, use a shovel or other appropriate tool to fill in any low spots and remove any high spots. Level the area as much as possible before beginning your driveway renovation project.

Install a New Base of Gravel

It is important to have a well-compacted base of gravel before adding any asphalt or concrete. This will ensure a smooth and level surface.

Remove any existing vegetation, including trees, shrubs, and grass. Use heavy machinery, or contact concrete driveway contractors to remove the top layer of soil. This layer should be at least four inches thick.

Once the top layer is removed, compact the remaining soil with a hand tamper or plate compactor. Finally, spread a layer of gravel over the compacted soil and compact it again.

Install the New Asphalt Surface

Preparing your old asphalt driveway for an extra layer of asphalt is key to ensuring a smooth, even finish. Before you begin, be sure to repair any cracks or potholes in the surface. Use a power washer to clean the driveway and remove any loose debris.

Once the surface is dry, apply a primer to help the new asphalt adhere to the old surface. Finally, install the new asphalt surface using a tamper or roller to ensure a smooth, even finish.

Use This Driveway Renovation Guide

Considering what has been discussed in this article, if you want to do a driveway renovation the right way, you need to remove all the existing concrete, prepare the subgrade by leveling it, install a new base of gravel, and install the new asphalt surface.

With a little effort, you can have a beautiful new driveway that will last for years to come.

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