While it’s about a personal injury claim, the first question people ask is – what is the average payout for the claim in Canada. One of the reputed law firms, Lethbridge Personal Injury Lawyer, has answered the question with detailed information.

Before that, it is crucial to understand different types of payouts and the factors that affect the amount one would get paid.

Different Types of Payout to Know about

According to the Institute for Work and Health, neck, back, arm, and back pain account for most compensation injuries in Canada. Additionally, muscles, joints, tendons, nerves, and ligaments can sustain mild to severe soft tissue injuries. The most frequent injury is back pain, affecting 50% to 80% of people in developed countries.

In a payout claim for emotional and physical damage stemming from an accident, pain and suffering is a type of compensation. Payouts for time away from work or inability to work permanently include income loss or future earning loss.

If your physician diagnoses you with impairment due to an injury, you may be eligible for disability loss compensation. However, a group insurance policy does not cover medical expenses like healthcare and physiotherapies incurred due to a personal accident.

Factors that Determine Payout Amount

When it comes to determining the value of a settlement, you can consider several things. Among these are:

  • Loss of income
  • Any future earnings lost from the sustained injuries
  • Damage to personal property
  • Medical and healthcare expenses
  • Emotional pain and suffering
  • Physical injuries

Average Payout for a Personal Injury Claim in Canada

The type of soft tissue injury settlement you may receive in Canada is determined by the state where you live. A soft tissue injury settlement in Newfoundland, for example, will differ from one in Ontario or British Columbia.

The courts determine general ranges for payouts as an award for moderate and severe injury claims, and provinces have a limitation on injury claims involving pain/suffering. 

Canada has a straightforward whiplash compensation scale. So, a minor soft tissue injury payout can range from $5,000 to $10,000. In contrast, a severe soft tissue injury claim can range from $80,000 to $100,000.

According to the Canada Safety Council, helping wounded people recover from personal injuries caused by vehicle accidents costs billions of dollars every year. Insurance policies cover 80% of the injury treatments, including whiplash and other associated tissue ailments.

Types of Payouts Your Injury Lawyers Can Assist You 

So, what happens if you get hurt at work or in a car accident? How much does soft tissue damage cost on average? And do you have any idea where to go? 

Generally, you require trustworthy information and assistance with the claim filing process. You may also require legal counsel or representation to address your issues and inquiries.

For example, if your employer denies recognizing or submitting workers’ compensation claims after you were injured at work, a certified lawyer can help.

Against insurance companies

Filing a claim with the insurance provider is usually less expensive and quicker, but it pays less money. A skilled personal injury lawyer will be able to assist you in weighing your choices to maximize the compensation.

Against the at-fault party

Personal injury lawyers may counsel you to file a lawsuit against the person who caused the injuries. Going this route will cost you more money, but the rewards may be worth it. There’s also the possibility that your claim will be settled outside of court.


So if you are claiming a personal injury, we strongly advise you to hire a licensed lawyer specializing in personal injury and workers’ compensation law. Your legal counsel will let you know if you are entitled to file a compensation claim for pain and suffering.