I’ve personally never been very good at math. In fact, most of my family – including extended family – does not like it as a subject. I struggled with math throughout elementary school, middle school, high school and even college. I was thrilled when I had all my requirements out of the way and no longer had to take any more courses in algebra and geometry.

Nevertheless, math is necessary in our lives. It’s woven into every facet of my life, from budgeting for my business to budgeting for groceries. I’ve made my peace with it and then married a man who gets it. 

But like all things in parenting, the reality is that you share the responsibility with your partner on everything, including math homework. So, since preschool I’ve been working with my daughter showing her how to add and subtract with Cheerios.

Make it meaningful early on

Kids are little sponges and love to soak up all the things you tell them (and the things you don’t tell them). So, while your kids are learning their ABC’s make sure they are not only learning their 123’s, but also learning how to use them. For instance, have them count items you put in the grocery cart or the price of toys. Have them count trees as you walk down the street or let them measure out ingredients for dinner. Make math meaningful by showing how it applies to everyday life. Kids don’t have to specifically know it’s “math,” but the goal is to give them a foundation for learning ahead.

Don’t push your issues with math on to them

Just because I hate math doesn’t mean my children have to. I try to keep my mouth shut whenever my daughter says something about not liking it. Instead of reinforcing her fears about the concepts being hard, I try to strengthen the idea that it can be fun and useful too. You don’t want your (or MY, in this case) negative attitude about a subject to rub off on your child. You can even try an online math tutor to help you with your child’s education. Usually such specialists find an approach to the child and are easily able to teach him all the basics of mathematics.

Play games

In order to try and make math fun, I believe it is imperative to play games that involve the skills. There are games that you can purchase – like Monopoly and the Game of Life – that will just seem like normal games but will also enhance math skills. There are games you can purchase that specifically focus on aspects, like multiplication and division, such as the animal game Pet Me, Math War and Multiplication Mosaics. Or, you can simply make your own. The goal is to show children how math can be fun and challenging in a way that makes them want play.

Get them extra help if they need it

Admitting your children might need extra help in a subject can be difficult but getting him/her that extra help can be imperative to their lifelong learning – especially when it comes to mathematics. From specialized math programs and tutoring for K-12 to advanced math and algebra and geometry, RandomMath or Sylvan Learning can help your children learn all the skills they need to succeed in math.

Beginning with simple skills, like multiplication and division, through advanced placement and even test prep, the tutors at Sylvan Learning will help your child break down mathematics skills to give your child the confidence he/she needs to do well in school and on tests.

The Sylvan Learning curriculum aligns with most school standards and teaching techniques, and the math tutors excel at motivating children by providing a mix of guided support, interactive lessons and motivational feedback and rewards.