A thesis or dissertation is the most important part of your academic career. It is a major paper demonstrating your knowledge and skills in a given area. If you want to submit a strong-quality dissertation, .there are some guidelines you must follow. These guidelines will help you write good quality work and submit it on time:

Read dissertation Guidelines.

The dissertation guidelines for students should be read carefully. The guidelines will help you to know what is expected of you, what you can and cannot do, and what you need to do before and after submission.

Create an Outline

You’re almost done with your dissertation paper, but you feel like it’s taking forever. You don’t want to be the person who says that they have “writer’s block.”

Still, sometimes it just seems impossible to get started on a project when you are trying to write a dissertation paper (in such a time, you can get help from assignment writers, they have exceptional dissertation authors.) You need to create an outline of what needs to be included in the introduction and conclusion of your paper, as well as what will go into each section of your research.

Doing this will help keep everything organized and ensure that even if writer’s block does hit, at least all of the main points will be covered, so no one has any questions about what was written or why certain points were chosen over others.

The topic should be easy to research.

Your dissertation topic should be interesting to you, relevant to your field of study, and easy to research. It should also be easy for you to write about, understand, and read.

Re-read and Re-write your dissertation.

After completing it, the first thing to do is review it and make any necessary changes. It’s important to re-read your work to focus on specific areas where improvements can be made. A dissertation writing service can do this whole task if you feel overwhelmed.

This self-editing process helps you identify any issues with spelling, grammar, or other mistakes that might have been made during the writing process. When editing your work, it’s easy for us as writers to become blind to our own mistakes when we’re too close to them; this is why having someone else read through the paper before submitting it back into the system will give them a fresh perspective on things which might otherwise be missed during normal reading/proofing of one’s work.

Know Your Topic Well

  • Look for sources that analyze the current situation or problem you are examining. If you have never written about this subject, brainstorm topics or questions related to it using websites like Google Scholar or PubMed Central.
  • Ask yourself: “Why is this important? What are some specific things I want to say?”

Format Your dissertation.

You must format your dissertation according to the standard format. The main body of your dissertation should be formatted in Times New Roman font, which is available on most computer systems. The title page and table of contents are also set in Times New Roman font, but they are not italicized or underlined. Your bibliography should use Arial Narrow font and be double-spaced. Finally, any appendices you have included must be labeled alphabetically by their name (e.g., Appendix C) so readers can easily find them when reading through the text.

Edit and Proofread your dissertation.

Once you are satisfied with the content, it is time to move on to editing and proofreading. This process can be tedious, but you must spend time in this stage of writing a dissertation. You should use a spell and grammar checker like Grammarly or Hemingway App. The spell checker will highlight any words spelled incorrectly, while the grammar checker will point out any grammatical errors or mistakes in your work. Reading your work aloud helps detect errors that may otherwise go unnoticed by yourself and other readers who may not be as familiar with the subject as yourself.

You can also ask someone else to read through your paper before submitting it. They might spot mistakes you overlooked while editing or proofreading because they are not as familiar with the subject as you are.


When you are going through the process of writing your dissertation, it can be easy to become overwhelmed by how much work there is to do. However, submitting your dissertation paper should not be a stressful event. The key is to plan and keep everything organized to avoid any last-minute mistakes or delays. It’s important to follow these guidelines so the committee and other reviewers can accept your paper if you’re interested in submitting a strong-quality dissertation.