The decision to hire home care services can be challenging, especially when you are trying to juggle your work and family responsibilities. Since you are putting your loved one in the hands of someone else, it is important to make an informed decision that will allow you to rest easy about the care being provided to your parent or elderly relative. 

Keep reading for some helpful advice on how to choose home care services in Australia such as the Australian Unity so that you can spend more time taking care of your loved ones, instead of worrying about their well-being.

Do ask your loved ones what they think

One way to make sure you’re doing everything right is to ask your loved ones what they think. Family and friends will know more about what you need than any service provider, so ask them what kind of services they think would best suit your situation. Plus, you’ll get an insider’s perspective on how well these companies work!

Of course, you’ll also want to be cognizant of the financial aspect. How much are these services going to cost? Home care services vary from place to place but some may have monthly packages that seem too good to be true for the type of service offered.

Do make sure you get references

You want to be able to trust the people coming into your home, so you need to do your research before hiring a caregiver. Talk to friends and family who have experience with caregivers or home care companies. 

And if you’re going with a home care agency, find out how they conduct background checks on their employees as well as what training is provided for the staff. You should also make sure that the company provides caregivers who match your needs in terms of languages spoken, personality types, and hours available.

Don’t be over-protective or bossy

As someone who is currently using home care services, I’ve been frustrated by this at times. It’s so difficult to have enough time to do everything around the house or look after yourself if you’re busy catering to an aged parent as well. It can be frustrating if they ask you to carry out something that is not your responsibility, like cooking dinner or watering their plants. 

If they aren’t clear about what they want, it can become unnecessarily taxing when there are plenty of people around them who could help them with those tasks. Remember that although you may not think a certain request is fair or practical for you to complete, it’s about their happiness and feeling comfortable – which are both necessary for good health.

Do check their credentials

Whenever you work with a caregiver, it is important to check their credentials. You can find out whether or not they are licensed by going to the National Regulatory Authority (NRA). The NRA website will provide you with information about the requirements for becoming a carer. By knowing these, you can make an educated decision as to whether or not they are right for your family. 

You should also be sure to ask how many years of experience they have working with elderly patients. It may also be helpful to inquire about their references. It’s never too early to start planning for retirement. Finding the best home care service provider now will help you avoid future complications down the line! 

Don’t depend too much on technology

While it can be tempting to try to find a new assistant online through Craigslist or Indeed, meeting the person face-to-face is your best bet. Think about how you want them to interact with your loved one as you’re deciding who to hire. 

For instance, if you know your loved one is more easily agitated by noise and activity, don’t hire an assistant who will bring his or her dog into their home. Furthermore, some tasks require training such as handling medications or doing personal care things that may not be included on an individual’s resume.

Do find someone who listens

One of the most important aspects when looking for a home care provider is finding someone who listens to your concerns. This can be more difficult than it sounds, with each carer often having their set way of doing things. 

If you find that a potential caretaker does not listen to what you want or need, then this is one reason to cross them off the list. Remember that these services are all about making life better for you or your loved one by helping them during difficult times.

Don’t forget that people like to help others

There’s a reason that people like to offer their services as caretakers. Sometimes it’s because they’re retired, or because they want to stay busy with something enjoyable. And sometimes, people simply just want to help others. When you’ve chosen the perfect caretaker, they’ll be there every day, going above and beyond your expectations. 

They’ll stop by your house daily, cooking a meal for you so that you can enjoy time with friends and family. They’ll provide round-the-clock care if needed, check on your animals when no one else is at home, put away laundry and keep track of any medication you need to take regularly.


There are a lot of home care services out there to choose from, so the next question is – how do you choose the best one for your loved one? Doing your research is key. Chances are, the people you talk to will be able to tell you whether they have heard good or bad things about a particular service provider. No matter who you end up choosing, it is important to have an idea of what kind of services they offer and what their prices are before making your decision. Many people find themselves wondering if they should hire somebody at all. It can be tempting to avoid taking on the responsibility, but it may not always be possible for family members or friends to take on this burden.