Energy healers can help people from all walks of life, from athletes who need a boost before their big game to children who have difficulties sleeping because they are afraid of monsters under the bed.

What Is Energy Healing?

Energy healing uses energy fields and vibrations, or energy work. The energy fields are used for healing, and one can use them in conjunction with traditional medical practices. Most people associate energy healing with quantum energy. Some items such as a quantum women’s booster capsule, or a quantum energy bloc can often show up in peoples’ homes. Such objects are charged with quantum energy and are meant to bring harmony and balance to one’s home. Nevertheless, becoming a healer means knowing everything there is to know about energy healing and deciding to get educated in that direction.

How Can You Become a Certified Energy Healer?

The best way to become a certified energy healer is to seek a professional certification program. However, many programs charge thousands of dollars in tuition and are not worth the money for those just starting their healing practice. Many healing courses and programs train and certify you to come up to speed as a professional healer. When figuring out which program you want to enroll in, consider your goals and intentions surrounding healing work. 

Another important consideration when choosing the right path for certification is the distance you are willing to travel. Some programs that provide distance education can charge tuition fees of $5,000-$10,000 per program or course. This cost can be prohibitive for those who wish to attend one or two monthly classes. Another thing you should consider is how much time you are willing to invest in studying and working toward certification. It takes you at least 120 hours a week to complete the entire program if you study full-time and attend classes daily.

Certification Vs. Licensing

Four main healing certification programs train and certify you to become a healing professional: the Reiki Master, Universal Healing Touch Level I, Polarity Therapy, and the Institute of integrative Nutrition. Most energy healing certifications require at least a Bachelor’s Degree in addition to the certification coursework. The certification program should take approximately 11 months, but this can vary based on how much time you can dedicate to your studies.

1. Go to a School That Offers a Distance Education Program

Distance education is not required to study full-time; however, if you want to move up in the field more quickly, it may be beneficial to spend more time learning.

2. Make This Your Career Goal and Become Passionate About It

If you want to become a certified energy healer, don’t worry about the fees or how far from home you must travel. Work hard, study what is required of you and your classmates, and do what it takes to graduate with your certification. You will start getting calls from potential clients once you have a certificate, and they will know they can rely on you for their healing needs.

3. Get Your Degree in Energy Healing and Then Continue Your Education

After obtaining your certification, you can continue with a degree program to further enhance your knowledge and skills in the field. As an energy healer, you have the option to specialize or learn about everything in this field of study. It is up to you what path you wish to take and become certified at an advanced level or be completely insured.

Bottom Line

Being an energy healer is a demanding and full-time career. If you are unsure if this is the direction you want to take, you must consider all options before making your final decision. As with any career choice, energy healing can have its up and down times. However, when you do have down times, think about what made you choose this path in the first place and keep moving forward. You will be able to help others in a way that no one else can with your knowledge and skills in the energy healing field.