When it comes to caring for your skin, a personal touch is key to your success. After all, everyone has different skin types and problems that need to be addressed in their care. They can change depending on age, season, or even daily. Therefore, it is very helpful to have a personalized care plan that suits the needs of your derm at a given time. In this article, we’ll talk about how to create a personalized skincare program and about natural skincare products that will help keep your skin looking its best.

The main reason for the deterioration of the skin condition in the winter is dehydration, thinning of the protective fat film, and, as a result, loss of elasticity. It is necessary to dwell on each stage of skincare separately.

Don’t change your diet

The owners of beautiful and healthy skin owe a lot to their diet. Those who place too high hopes on quality care alone lose out to those who combine it with good nutrition. This means that your menu must be seasonal – including top-quality products that can meet the needs of the body and derm at any given time of the year. In winter, enrich your daily menu with avocado, melon, mango, pumpkin, carrots, eggs, cucumbers, baked potatoes, sweet potatoes, persimmons, blueberries, raspberries, yogurt, green leafy vegetables, beans, citrus fruits, tomatoes, cocoa, and natural dark chocolate. All of them serve as a natural shield and are able to qualitatively moisturize the skin from the inside – prolonged cold weather, dampness, and scalding wind will not care for her.

Basic care. Moisturizing the skin in winter

Your favorite moisturizer will become your worst enemy if you apply it just before going outside. The moisture contained in it, without having time to be absorbed, will freeze and lead to a deterioration in the condition of the skin. Apply a moisturizer at least half an hour to an hour before going outside. In winter, you need to choose a cream that contains chitosan and hyaluronic acid. These substances perfectly care for the derm, moisturize it, and also create a protective film that reduces moisture loss.

Rules for nourishing the skin of the face in winter

Dry and normal derma. In this case, during the cold weather, a moisturizer can be replaced with a nutritious one. Its denser texture will protect the delicate skin of the face from hypothermia, moisturizing ingredients will fight dryness, and natural oils and vitamins will saturate everything you need.

Oily skin. A light cream with unsaturated fatty acids will do for optimal nutrition and will not cause acne. We should not forget about proper nutrition in the truest sense of the word. Fatty sea fish, avocados, liver, nuts, cereals, lean meat, vegetables will provide the body with everything it needs, which means it will take care of the derm as well. You should drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day – this is necessary to maintain the water-salt balance and elasticity of the epidermis.

The main stages of care

  1. Cleansing

The first thing to start with skincare is proper cleansing. Without getting rid of dirt, dust, makeup, and sebum from the surface of your derm, you will not be able to proceed to the next steps, as they will not be effective. In the case of cleansing, focus on your skin type.

  • If you have oily or combination skin, use micellar water. Containing tiny micelle molecules, this cleanser removes impurities and make-up and mattifies the derm.
  • If you have dry and sensitive skin, then hydrophilic oil or cleansing milk should be preferred. They gently dissolve impurities and remove them from the skin without excessive drying.
  • Exfoliation

Derma exfoliation is one of the most important procedures to keep your skin youthful and healthy for as long as possible. Exfoliation is important for all ages and skin types. For adolescents, timely removal of the stratum corneum is one of the main steps in preventing acne, as well as one of the steps in the treatment of acne. Exfoliation at an older age will allow the regeneration processes to proceed correctly, prevent aging, and allow the skin to look radiant. The main thing in the exfoliation process is choosing the right gentle agent that will not damage the derm or disturb the microbiome mantle.

Ubtan is an excellent remedy for mild exfoliation of all skin types. This is a finely dispersed scrub made of clays, vegetable, and fruit powders, which not only gently exfoliates the stratum corneum but also nourishes the derm with useful vitamins and microelements.

  • If you have oily skin, then you need to dilute the ubtan powder with water to a mushy state, apply it to the derma and leave it as a mask on the face for 5-10 minutes. This is necessary for a better adsorptive effect on excess sebum. Then use damp fingertips to massage the lines on your face, and then rinse off the product with warm water.
  • For combination skin, you can skip the mask stage, just apply a diluted product on the face, massage, and rinse.
  • If you have dry skin, you can dilute ubtan with milk, cream, or a base oil such as jojoba oil. If ubtan is mixed with oil, then it can be left as a nourishing mask.
  • For mature skin, ubtan is also a great solution. It will give the derm a natural glow, reduce pores, which are especially noticeable on such skin, and reduce pigmentation.

Keep in mind that not all skin types can handle frequent exfoliation. Listen to your skin. It is possible that your personalized skincare routine only needs to exfoliate once a week – this is very individual.

  • Serums

One of the easiest ways to keep your derma healthy and glowing is with face serums. What’s more, the right serum will help solve a variety of skin-care problems. When choosing a serum, you need to focus not on your skin type, but on the problems that it is designed to solve.

Take a look at the hyaluronic acid serums: they help increase the moisture level of the derma for hydration throughout the day. Hydration is essential for any skin to prevent aging, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, help restore derm radiance and neutralize free radicals that can lead to skin aging.

  • Care product

After applying the serum, fix the effect with a face cream, oil, or fluid. Find your perfect remedy.

  • If you have oily skin, then, paradoxically, you need oil. Yes, you are not mistaken. Such skin needs oils that tighten and tighten pores, which restore the acid balance of the derma and balance the production of its own sebum. Give preference to non-comedogenic oils, due to which various rashes and redness are not formed on the skin. It can be grape seed oil, wheat germ oil, or jojoba oil.
  • If you have dry skin, go for light moisturizers or oily fluids. Don’t weigh your derm down with too thick creams. If you have already used serums, then light textures like an oil fluid will perfectly complement the care, give the derma a natural glow, and protect it from the negative effects of the external environment and UV radiation.
  • Combination skin often veers between feeling too dry or too oily. Choose a product that gives you maximum comfort.
  • If you have mature skin, use anti-aging creams. However, keep in mind that natural products like oils and fluids are also great for mature skin for a rejuvenating effect.