The last week, newspapers announced details about the rapid growth of the industry of transcription within India and the United States and India. Did you know that transcription can also take forms of video or videos? What accuracy is attained? Are you searching for an established business that can provide transcription services in English (or) Spanish?

GMR Transcription is one such company that provides transcription services. Check out all the information about GMR Transcription Reviews. Also read about Keto Strong diet!

What is Gmr Transcription?

GMR Transcription services began operations in 2004 in America. Ajay Prasad was the GMR’s founder. GMR as well Beth Worthy is the Chief Financial Officer. Ajay Prasad began hiring transcriptionists from the United States.

The results were good and their customers were satisfied with the service, which ultimately increased the revenue of GMR. Then, GMR started providing services to non-profit organisations and public institutions. GMR provides the transcription service in English as well as Spanish. They offer services such as:

  • Transcription
  • Translation
  • Proofreading and Editing Services
  • Academic Transcription
  • Legal Transcription
  • Video Transcription
  • Business Transcription
  • Audio Transcription
  • Podcast Transcription

Gmr Transcription Review Human Transcription with automation

GMR believes that only humans can identify people who are speaking simultaneously, who are speaking in a different way and with all the various accents, the different dialects from various locations around the world and loud background noise voice, low-quality voices, poor recording etc.

100 100% accuracy:

GMT transcriptionists have a keen understanding of different accents. GMR is aiming for 100% accuracy in audio of high quality. In the basis, GMR will provide 99 percent accuracy, even in low audio quality. If we compare GMR with other transcription companies GMR has an error rate of 4 while a standard automated transcription is 11 percent.

Cost elements:

According to Gmr Transcription Reviews, it has a transparent pricing structure. Two minutes of audio transcription with excellent audio quality is just $6. The cost will vary if the audio quality is not good and more than 3 speakers, the timeline of delivery and grammar corrections, authentic certificate of notarization, Pleading papers, and time stamps.

Data Security:

GMR ensures high security of client data by monitoring their servers and the workforce.Transcriptionists have to sign security statements to protect the client data which is provided to them.


GMR Transcription is rated at 4.2/5 stars. GMR Transcription Reviews have been praised by users. GMR Transcription Review have praised the service.have enjoyed their

  • Excellent work,
  • Customer service,
  • Flexible environment,
  • The quality of work is delivered within the turnaround time
  • Payments on time.

There are a lot of positive reviews of the company.

The negative reviews showed that

  • There are times when GMR is not responsive to questions,
  • There are low rates of pay for transcriptionists.

Incessant job opportunities,

  • Temporary employment,
  • Stringent application process,
  • Prolonged probationary conditions,
  • Problems with installing files
  • Delivery delays for audios with difficult content,
  • Additional charges for audio that is difficult If the due date had expired.


It’s a legitimate business that was established in 2004 and continues to do great work. There are numerous excellent GMR Transcription reviews on the web regarding GMR and its services, with the exception of issues that happen in everyday business like the problem in installing a file and so on. In general, GMR can deliver its services on time , with the 99 percent accuracy.