Adelaide is a city in Australia and one of the popular study destinations. So why do such students choose to study in Adelaide? Next, let’s take a look at the details together!

1. Well-known universities with a long history and the quality of education is globally recognized

Adelaide has many well-known universities, including the University of Adelaide, University of South Australia, Flinders University, Carnegie Mellon University in Australia, University College London in Australia. Every university in Adelaide has excellent quality education and are able to  cultivate elites from all walks of life, so that Adelaide can attract outstanding students from all over the world every year.

2. Pay equal attention to teaching and practice, and provide abundant opportunities for international exchanges and work internships

Educational institutions in Adelaide attach great importance to practical teaching, attach great importance to close cooperation with local enterprises and organizations, and strive to provide students with abundant international exchanges, internships, and work opportunities. In addition, the concept of close integration of scientific research and industrial development permeates every aspect of teaching, so the technology and knowledge learned by students will also be at the forefront of the industry in which they are located.

3. Australia’s cheapest study abroad city

In the annual global cost of living survey conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit, Adelaide, as one of the most reasonable cities in Australia for consumption, often ranks among the top. The public transportation in Adelaide is free for locals, and it provides 50% discount for international students. Therefore, Adelaide is known as “Australia’s most affordable city for studying abroad.”

4. The geographical position is superior, students can enjoy the advantage of extra points for immigration

Adelaide has superior geographical position – it is a regional city in Australia. According to the Australian immigration policy, all students who have studied in Adelaide for at least two years can receive an extra 5 points for studying in remote areas when applying for general skilled immigration. That is to say, it is easier for international students in Adelaide to immigrate to Australia and become a permanent residents in Australia.

5. Excellent language environment, real Australian experience

Compared to big cities such as Sydney and Melbourne, Adelaide has a very low overall proportion of international students. That means students here will have more opportunities to experience the local culture and feel the unique customs of Australia. The superior language environment also enables international students to maximize their language skills. This has incomparable advantages whether it is for the study of professional courses, or staying in the local employment and immigration after graduation.


In general, Adelaide not only has a world-class education, but also a reasonable level of consumption, as well as immigration bonus points, so whether it is for those who want to learn professional knowledge in Australia, or those who want to immigrate to Australia after graduation, Adelaide is a good choice. Hence, it is not surprising that so many students choose Adelaide for studying abroad every year.

If you are interested to study in Australia, you can give priority to Adelaide as well.