Selecting the appropriate tests is among the most crucial aspects of creating an effective screening plan. The tests you select should be appropriate to the needs of the position you are applying for as online testing for skills is becoming a standard to be employed. This is why the tests you’ll need determine which assessment company you need to work with.

With over 100 assessment tools available selecting the most appropriate pre-employment test for your business isn’t an easy job. An incorrect test selection can result in an unsound choice.

In selecting a vendor for pre-employment evaluation, you should take the following factors into account:

Skill set covered:

Testing vendors’ expertise is generally the deciding factor when selecting tests. E.g. If you employ a large number of developers, you will require an evaluation tool that can provide programming tests as well. It is crucial to select an assessment that is appropriate for the job. In addition to testing for programming, ensure that the test provider is able to test for more than just the language of programming, but for the frameworks used by your tech team.

Relevance of the questions:

The most important thing to take into consideration when selecting the right vendor is its relevancy and the quality of the questions.

Check to see if the question library from the vendor of assessment includes quality, relevant, and non-Google-able questions.

Simple platform and ease of onboarding the recruitment team members:

With the number of feature-rich assessment tools on the market, it isn’t easy to locate one with simple onboarding and a straightforward user experience that convinces the team responsible for recruiting to use it.

You should consider the following questions:

  • Exactly how easy is it to conduct an assessment?
  • How easy is it to ask a candidate to take a certain test?
  • Are you able to communicate the candidate’s reports with hiring managers in a short time?

Feedback from the candidate:

While you’re looking at the logos that the assessment company boasts on their site as well, you should look at the reviews from candidates who took tests on a specific instrument. Because the candidates are likely to be able to link the experience of taking the test with your business and the experience they have with the assessment tool will impact your brand in the long run.

Proctoring is a feature of

It is important to ensure that the software you’re looking at is equipped with the latest features for proctoring including web proctoring, camera proctoring secure browser, and questions leak checks to be sure that the score of the candidate are a reflection of their ability to perform the task, and not the ability to cheat.

Custom assessments:

Every job is unique and the test should be a reflection of the role. A test that is off-the-shelf and can be used in different companies and at different levels of seniority will affect the results of the screening procedure.

Questions that you need to consider:

  • Does the assessment provider aid in the creation of assessments specifically tailored to the requirements of the job?
  • Are the tests crafted from subject-matter experts based on the job, the degree of seniority, and the salary interval?
  • Are you able to integrate different skills into the same test?
  • Does the vendor aid in benchmarking candidates?

Custom branding / white labeling:

The test-taking experience is associated with your brand name. This is a great occasion to provide a memorable experience while ensuring that it sticks out in the mind of the candidate. For hiring companies It could be beneficial to white-label a helpful assessment tool for prospective candidates to establish a solid image.

Utilizing pre-employment testing software that is customizable, and capabilities, you can create an enjoyable assessment experience that’s in line with your company’s brand and website. Additionally, you can take advantage of the possibility to give candidates an impression of your company environment by adding images and videos, creating an experience that is more interactive. If you’d like to learn more about the pre-employment test, then get in touch withPCP Works