Did you know that most stormwater runoff does not soak into the ground and instead flows back into oceans, rivers, and streams?

If you live in an area where the groundwater systems are depleted, it is important to have procedures in place so that rainwater gets soaked into the ground.

This is why it is such a good idea to understand how stormwater runoff drainage works. To make things easier for you, we’ve written a guide.

If you’ve been wondering “what is stormwater runoff?”, keep reading and we will tell you everything that you need to know.

Stormwater Runoff Explained

Stormwater runoff is rain or snowmelt that flows across a landscape. Some stormwater runoff soaks into the soil.

But there is a lot of stormwater runoff that returns to rivers and streams. It can also evaporate back into the atmosphere.

Most precipitation that falls outside of cities gets absorbed by plants and trees after it soaks into the ground. Unfortunately, precipitation that falls onto cities tends to pick up contaminants when it travels.

Stormwater Runoff Guide: How It Can Be a Problem

There are many problems that are associated with stormwater runoff that is poorly managed.

One of the biggest problems is flooding. Stormwater that runs off of driveways, highways, and roofs in large volumes will quickly reach rivers and streams.

This can cause them to flood, which can pose a danger to animals and people.

Most stormwater runoff does absorb into the soil. This poses a problem for people who live in deserts and areas where the groundwater system is depleted.

Therefore, more and more people are choosing to make use of pervious concrete.

This is useful for those who live in regions that have regulations in place requiring that people retain stormwater runoff in order to replenish groundwater systems.

What Is in Stormwater Runoff?

Stormwater runoff often contains solutions. This includes things such as oil, grease, gasoline, pesticides, bacteria, and agricultural herbicides.

Contaminated stormwater runoff can pollute streams and lakes. This causes harm to aquatic animals and wildlife. It can also destroy native vegetation.

How to Keep Stormwater Clean

Never pour chemicals down the drain, especially if you have been working on your car or if these chemicals come from yard equipment.

It is also a good idea to keep your driveway and the street outside of your home free from waste and debris. Make sure that you don’t leave piles of leaves on the road where they can create storm drain blockages.

Understanding What Is Stormwater Runoff

If you’ve been wondering “what is stormwater runoff?”, it is important to know that it comes from rain and melted snow. It is a good idea to put systems in place to capture stormwater runoff if you live in an area with depleted groundwater supplies.

If you want to find out more about how to capture stormwater runoff, don’t forget to check out the Lifestyle section of our website.