Like most people, you probably think of “organic” as food. But what does that have to do with your lawn? As it turns out, a lot! Organic lawn care is a great way to keep your lawn healthy and green while also protecting the environment by avoiding synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. Please keep reading to learn from the experts at Greener Grass organic lawn care about organic lawn care and how it works!

What Does Organic Lawn Care Mean?

Organic lawn care is a lawn care system that uses all-natural products free from herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides to keep your lawn lush and green without using any synthetic substances that could harm the environment.

There are two main parts to creating an organic lawn: The first step is to identify the materials you will use to fertilize and treat the lawn, and the second is using proper techniques to maintain the lawn.

Different organic materials go into organic lawn care. The most common organic substances used are compost and leaf mulch, seaweed, compost soil conditioner, worm castings, manure, mycorrhizal, and bone char. All of these things help improve the health of your lawn while also being environmentally friendly.

Organic Lawn Care: How to Get Started

Now that you know what organic lawn care is, let’s talk about how to transition your lawn to an all-natural system.

Test the soil first

A soil test is the first step to establishing organic lawn care. The test will help you understand your soil’s pH and nutrient levels, giving you a better idea of what amendments are necessary to create healthy soil for your lawn. Some of the soil test’s nutrients that might show a deficiency include calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and nitrogen.

An example of how to apply the amendments your soil test indicates is to apply gypsum (a calcium supplement) if the soil test lacks calcium and apply langbeinite (magnesium supplement) if the soil test shows a lack of magnesium.

Set up a compost pile

There are a few different ways that you can start composting. The first way is to start a compost pile in your backyard. This is the most common way to compost, and it’s also the easiest. It would be best if you found a spot in your backyard where the compost pile will be able to get plenty of sunlight.

You can also get a compost bin. A compost bin is a good choice if you don’t have the space for a full-size compost pile. Leaves and grass scrapings can go in there too.

Once you have your compost manure, spread it on your lawn to help improve its soil’s quality. Compost is rich in algae, bacteria, fungi, and nematodes, so it can help your grass become greener and healthier.

Apply organic lawn fertilizer

Organic lawn fertilizers are a great way to give your lawn a boost. Unlike synthetic fertilizers, organic fertilizers are made from natural ingredients and are released slowly, which is better for the environment. Additionally, using organic fertilizers can help thicken your grass, which will help to crowd out weeds. To get the most out of your organic fertilizer, be sure to overseed your lawn with a seed mix that suits your climate and needs. Water until the new growth develops.

Why is organic lawn care important?

The goals of organic lawn care are to reduce the level of harmful chemicals introduced into the environment, conserve resources such as water, air, and gasoline, and save people time by requiring less time and effort to maintain your lawn.

Pets and children are at risk from synthetic chemical fertilizers.

Synthetic chemicals in fertilizers can be harmful to both pets and children. They may cause cancer in dogs if they come into contact with them. This is because children can absorb these chemicals through the skin, and they can also be inhaled. Children are especially vulnerable to the adverse effects of these chemicals since they spend more time on playgrounds, parks, and sports fields.

These areas are often treated with synthetic chemical pesticides to keep insects away. That’s why certain states like Connecticut have passed laws to help keep synthetic chemicals like pesticides out of public places like playgrounds, schools, and parks.

Organic lawn care is a great way to be environmentally friendly while taking care of your lawn. The overall goal is to be chemical and toxin-free. By starting with a soil test, composting, and using organic fertilizers, you can help improve the quality of your soil and make your lawn healthier.