Mosquito control is a public health practice that involves actions taken to reduce or eliminate the breeding, resting, and feeding of mosquitoes. These activities can include larval control, adult mosquito control, and public education. There are a variety of methods available for controlling mosquitoes, and the most effective approach often depends on the particular situation. Some common methods used to control mosquitoes include:

Mosquito Control Through Application of Chemical Repellents

Chemical repellents are the most popular method of mosquito control. There is a wide range of chemical repellents on the market, with some being designed for use indoors, outdoors, or on human skin. The repellents designed for outdoor use, e.g., in lawns, yards, and gardens, are the most concentrated. Some outdoor repellents can keep mosquitos away for more than eight weeks. 

Homeowners are advised to exercise caution and follow all manufacturer’s instructions when applying chemical repellents. It is the best way to ensure you do not expose yourself and other residents of your home to hazardous components in the repellent. These chemical mosquito repellents are most effective when used by professional pest control specialists with the necessary training, protective gear, and equipment. The most popular chemical repellent is DEET which was first used by the military before gaining a following amongst domestic consumers. Picaridin is a chemical made from synthesized pepper and offers to repel qualities for at least 14 hours. 

Many chemical mosquito repellents contain permethrin as an active ingredient because it is very effective when applied to camping gear, shoes, and clothes. It should not come into contact with human skin because it has been reported to cause significant irritation. Permethrin is considered superior to other chemical repellents due to its distinctive ability to kill mosquitoes on contact rather than merely repelling them. Its major disadvantage is that it indiscriminately kills insects, including beneficial ones like bees. 

Mosquito Control Through Planting Natural Deterrents in Your Yard

Nature has many simple and effective mosquito control options. Planting a natural deterrent is an excellent way of preventing mosquitoes from invading your home. Keeping your lawn trim and tidy is essential because mosquitoes like to hide in cool, dark, and damp places. Maintain your yard to prevent it from being hospitable to mosquitoes by trimming grass, shrubs, and trees. 

Planting flora live tulsi, lavender, lemongrass, marigold, catnip, lemon balm, basil, citronella, peppermint, pennyroyal, geraniums, sage, and garlic. Contact your gardening store to determine which of these plants are likely to grow well in your locality. 

Mosquito Control Through Traps

Homeowners that are environmentally conscious hesitate to use chemical methods of mosquito control due to the adverse effects on nature. Traps are an excellent method of controlling the mosquito problem in your home. The most effective mosquito traps are sold in stores. It is also possible to make homemade traps using free directions from the internet. 

The right type of trap for you depends on whether you intend to use the trap outdoors or indoors. Your budget will also affect the type of trap you can purchase. Most traps function by duplicating the visual stimuli and smell that mosquitoes are drawn to. Others electrocute mosquitoes or trap them on a sticky surface. Mosquito magnets are placed in shady outdoor areas with many mosquitoes and work by vacuuming up the mosquitos. The magnet can also be placed in areas that mosquitoes use to access your home e.g. doors, windows, and vents. 

Mosquito Control Through Breeding Prevention

Are you suffering from mosquito infestation? Mosquito control can help eliminate breeding by altering the environment to make it unsuitable for mosquito breeding. One common method of environmental control is sub-soil drainage, where drains are filled with soil to make them inaccessible to mosquitoes. Breeding grounds can be controlled at home by disposing of all waste around the compound, clearing the gutters, and repairing leaks. Environmental control of mosquitoes has a wide range of control measures that eradicate the mosquito populations and the risk of transmitting diseases. 

Mosquito Control Through Manipulation of Abiotic Factors

To control the mosquito populations, temporary manipulation of the habitat can be an affordable method to eradicate favorable conditions that allow mosquito breeding. Increased resistance of the mosquito to the use of insecticides has called for alternative methods for vector control. Environmental manipulation has proven to be one of the new ways to deal with vectors. You can count on our experts to eliminate the mosquitos by manipulation of abiotic factors and be guaranteed a safer environment at home.