Most organizations handle various types of sensitive data and information every day. To ensure the safety of that data and the people it belongs to, you need to develop a strong security system. Here are some useful tips for upgrading your organization’s online security.

1. Follow Appropriate Best Practices for Your Organization Type

There are general best practices for online security. These best practices can overlap for individuals and organizations, but each group will have its own set of best practices more specific to that group’s needs. For example, an individual is more capable of overseeing his or her entire online presence himself or herself, whereas an organization typically employs people whose job it is to manage online security for it. Each type of organization will then have a different set of best practices depending on the type of business it’s involved in and the type of data it must store and protect. For example, a bank will likely have more strenuous security best practices than a library.

2. Establish an Operation Center for Your Security Team

Establishing a security operation center (SOC) for your security team can be incredibly helpful for your organization. It involves bringing together a security team, unless you already have one, and providing that team with the monitoring and security tools they need to complete your organization’s security procedures and processes. You don’t need to establish a physical SOC. Instead, make sure your security team members are able to easily connect with each other and build a strong security infrastructure for your organization as a whole.

3. Regularly Back up Your Data And Check for And Apply Software Updates

When you upgrade your organization’s online security, you cannot only focus on implementing strong network defenses. You must also consider your data itself and how much upkeep your software may require. Data must be backed up regularly and it’s a good idea to also create multiple backups and store them in multiple places. You should store any sensitive data in an offline format, such as in an external hard drive. This will help you rebound more quickly in case of a ransomware attack. You should also monitor your security software regularly for updates so you can download and apply any updates or patches as soon as possible to ensure your software is up-to-date.

4. Educate Employees And Raise Awareness

One of the most effective ways to upgrade or maintain your organization’s online security is to educate your employees and raise awareness surrounding cybersecurity. Employees who are well-educated about cybersecurity threats are more likely to take them seriously and are better prepared to incorporate security tools and best practices into their daily jobs. Many organizations’ cybersecurity teams choose to require employees to complete annual security classes online or in person. These organizations also try to ensure their security policies are easily available for employees to review as needed.

5. Utilize Encryption Tools

Encryption tools are essential to maintaining your organization’s online security. You may employ one or more encryption tools, depending on your needs. Some are more robust than others. One of the most popular end-to-end encryption tools is the VPN, or virtual private network. A VPN is used when someone connects his or her device to public or otherwise unsecured wifi. It creates an encrypted tunnel for the internet connection, protecting your data and connection from people who might try to hack into it to steal your data. You can also use more targeted encryption tools, such as encrypted apps that ensure no one but you and your intended recipient can open or read your messages.

An organization’s security system will need to be tailored to that organization’s specific needs. For example, an organization with a brick-and-mortar presence will require both physical security and cybersecurity while an organization with only an online presence will likely only require cybersecurity. However, many tools can be used no matter what kind of organization you’re developing or maintaining security for.