When it comes to eCommerce website design, designing an online store is fairly an easy job, but keeping your business growth pace at a level is much harder.

Any loopholes in the design aspect of your store can affect the business in both the short and long term. It is like climbing a rock; you have to be carefully prepared so that you don’t run out of resources in the middle of the summit. Web designing is one such preparation. You can see it coming immediately or might realize after a long term when no cure is possible.

Whether you start building your store from scratch or build by customizing an already available source or any marketplace script, the design is something that you will keep going through always. Even if you build on the already available template, you may need to facelift the whole thing, while other times, a little retouch will be sufficient.

While we look at different eCommerce website designs today, we know that design is not just about a great user interface (UI) but also a great user experience (UX). It will incorporate beauty with business goals and user satisfaction.

Creating user-friendly navigation must be a key while designing a website, mobile app or just a simple landing page. It is important to keep in mind that easy navigation according to your needs and market plan will hit your audience, returning a better ROI. There are certain rules defined to achieve this goal that we are going to discuss below in a little more depth.

1) UI Design

The latest trends are not always serving the purpose of what your store is selling. UI design trends tend to appear for not a longer period. Therefore, when you pick up an eCommerce website design, you better pay attention to an important factor that is TRUST.

Exhibit Trust

Customers will only buy from you if there is a trust factor, whether it be a physical shop or an online store. If a visitor sees a bug in your website, design flaws or poor UX, they are never going to hit your sale funnel. So, the trust factor is a must in Web Design for your store.

You can add the trust factor in your store by consolidating three trust indicators. These indicators will build up your visitor’s confidence and convert them into buyers, as they know you are not fake and are always there to assist them.

A)   Display Your Contact Info

Displaying contact info clearly in your store is not only a design thing but a compulsion for any business. If there is no contact info available on your website, no customer is going to even think about a thing or service from your store. So a “Contact US” tab is like a backbone to your business and also must be displayed clearly so that a user doesn’t have to strive harder to find that, or you might lose a potential buyer.

When it comes to eCommerce website design, there are three ways to integrate contact information:

  • A separate dedicated tab for contact information that includes email addresses, phone numbers, and physical stores. You can also include chatbots and Google Maps to show the GPS location of your physical store.
  • Dedicate a small space on the homepage header or footer to show your contact information, including email addresses and phone numbers.
  • Integrate a simple ‘Contact Us’ form.

B) Maintain a Clear Return Policy

A clear return policy helps strengthen a customer’s confidence further because it lets customers return a product if they are unsatisfied. According to research, stores with a “no return policy” have a potential threat of losing about half of the buyers.

A recognized eCommerce website design certainly offers a crystal-clear picture for defining a relevant UI.

There are three ways to integrate contact information:

  • Place your return policy on every page in the footer, header, and product pages.
  • Include a crystal clear navigation to return process interface.
  • Place process like Amazon does.

C) Exhibit Your Trust Seals

Trust seals exhibition is a must if you want to achieve more visitors and, ultimately, buyers (better conversion rate achieved). These seals, available in the form of visual badges, exhibit the security and stability of your transaction process.

Secure web hosts, SSL certificates and antivirus software are a few other seals that can help you increase the trust rate among your visitors and buyers.

These trust indicators are particularly helpful when you are new to the market with no buyers at all. Carefully place these trust badges to make sure no visitor misses seeing them on your website. Few critical placements can be:

  • Website footers
  • Checkout pages
  • Payment pages
  • Product pages

2) UX Enhancement

The user experience is about user perception, or in other words, you can say a visitor will establish a perception of your eCommerce website design after spending 2 to 3 minutes. The visual appeal also makes a considerable place when we talk about UX enhancement.

While establishing a base for Web Design for an E-commerce store, put a special focus on visual appeal as it can impact the number of visitors on your E-commerce website depending upon the appearance of a website; whether it be professional or over-decorated with unnecessary icons, buttons or images.

Here are some key tips you should follow in the design of your website:

Few things that can add to your web design for an E-commerce website.

  • Multiple product images with multi-angles.
  • Integrate a product image zoom feature to offer a more in-depth view like Amazon.
  • Super quality product images
  • White background for product images to get sharper details.
  • Use a colour scheme according to the basic layout of your website.
  • Do not use more than two colours in the primary colour scheme
  • Professional fonts
  • To find the best colour schemes for CTA buttons in your marketing campaign, A/B test contrasting colour schemes against each other.

3) Easy navigation throughout the website

Flawless navigation enhances UX and sales. The only base of easy navigation design is to ensure that your visitor finds products, services, and other content easily. If you are not designing your E-commerce store right from scratch, make sure you choose a theme that offers great UX architecture

Few tips to follow for a better UX on your store:

  • Guide visitors to your conversion funnel right from the homepage. Embed categories, products, and other menus on the top header.
  • Select the menu items to be highlighted according to your marketing plan. It includes a shop, featured links (discounted offers, bestsellers, gift vouchers, etc.), about us a link, policies link, and contact us page link.


Achieving a perfect ecommerce website design is not possible in a single go. It is an ongoing job that needs an aggressive and evolutionary approach. If you keep on following the rudiments mentioned above throughout the development and maintenance of your store, track the trends, A/B testing of the design, and proper track of the effects on your conversion rates, and instantly decide on bringing a change when needed, there is nothing that can keep you achieving great business through your store.

I get it, you run a pretty big eCommerce business and need a website that is just as big as your brand. With dozens of products and hundreds of shipping options, sometimes it can be tough to know where to even start when it comes to finding the best eCommerce website design company. Selteq is the place for you! They’ve been designing custom solutions for over a decade and won’t wait to bring those solutions to your business.