Wondering whether CBD oil for IBS is actually beneficial or not? Get to know CBD and how it responds to your endocannabinoid system!

CBD oil has tons of health benefits with very few side effects. However, there are certain things that are a bit confusing. And, as you know, nothing good comes from confusion. And that applies to IBS treatments as well. 

So, does CBD for IBS work?

Medically speaking, CBD can have modest effects on IBS disease. However, there is very little scientific proof of those benefits. This is because using CBD to treat IBS is quite unconventional and unorthodox. Still, many dietitians have found some positive effects of CBD for IBS.

It may still sound confusing to you, but we’ll clear the confusion away if you follow the full discussion thoroughly without missing anything.

Now, let’s start with the basics of CBD.

What Is CBD?

CBD is basically a chemical compound that can be found in Cannabis plants. While it might sound shady, it’s actually a great product. There are mainly proven benefits of cannabidiol.

On the other hand, cannabinoids are a group of 80 chemicals from Sativa plants. Other Cannabis chemicals can be intoxicating but not the one derived from hemp. That has a very low level of THC, which is what gives you that high feeling.

The benefits of CBD oil can’t be listed in just one article. You’ll need a full article to know them all. However, here, the focus will only be on its benefits for IBS.

To get the maximum benefits from CBD oil, where you buy it is key to serving your purpose. Check out Beliebis if you want to source top-quality CBD products.

Basics About the Endocannabinoid System

It’s important to know about your endocannabinoid system. Otherwise, you won’t understand the potential benefits of using CBD supplements.

The fascinating thing is that our bodies are filled with cannabinoids. They are even being made the very moment you’re reading this! It’s really interesting how all the cannabinoid receptors stay connected with each other.

As your body is filled with these receptors, you can take advantage of them. The best way to do that is by using CBD oil or other similar supplements.

Also, your body benefits heavily from good cannabinoids. From your balance and your nervous system to your immune systems, everything can be benefited. 

There are primarily two types of cannabinoid receptors: CB1 & CB2. The CB1 receptor’s main focus is on our mind and nervous system. However, CB2 can heavily influence our digestion and immunity. 

So what’s the role of CBD? It can bind and structure the proper use of these receptors. As a result, you can get better gut mobility, digestion, and even stronger immunity.

What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)?

IBS or irritable bowel system is a condition that affects your digestive system. It mainly involves your large intestine and can translate to severe stomach problems. The symptoms often follow a discontinuous pattern.

Let’s look at some of the common signs and symptoms.

  • Severe stomach ache
  • Diarrhea
  • Cramps
  • Bloating
  • Constipation
  • Disproportionate and abnormal bowel movement
  • Gas and mucus problem

While these are very common, you may not feel all of them. It’s okay if you don’t encounter all of these symptoms. Only a doctor can confirm whether you have IBS or not.

You can start by maintaining a healthy diet and weight. As this condition is a lifelong problem, you will only be able to manage it rather than cure it altogether.

However, regular medicine and treatment can manage the symptoms. So make sure you follow your doctor’s recommendations thoroughly.

How Does CBD Help with IBS Symptoms?

There are many ways that CBD can help with your IBS. 

There are mainly two direct benefits of using CBD to fight IBS. First of all, you can reduce stomach or abdominal pain, which is common in most IBS patients. 

As CBD works well against inflammation and pain reduction, it’s good to use for IBS. On top of that, CBD receptors are linked with your central nervous system to control pain.

Secondly, stress and digestive troubles are inherently linked. For some people, stress is a major trigger for their IBS symptoms. CBD has shown benefits in stress management, so it may help decrease the frequency of the triggers. If you have fewer triggers, you will probably have fewer bowel problems.

All of these benefits have to be taken with a grain of salt since they are not actually proven with medical research. So be careful about that!

How to Consume CBD Naturally

The most common use of CBD is mixed with an oil carrier. It can be coconut or hemp seed mixed oil. Those are more readily available and can be used with ease. 

You can take the oil straight, but you have to be careful about not taking too much at once. Usually, just a few drops are enough. Take it under your tongue and let it work its magic.

Another great way to consume CBD oil is to mix it with your favorite food or drink. That way you don’t have to think about the smell or taste. 

CBD Dosage for IBS

The dosage of CBD for IBS depends on many things, including your health, weight, diet, and many more factors. That’s why it’s quite a daunting task even for experts. However, there are some easy ways to start the initial dosage.

First, make your body acquainted with CBD by slow and low consumption. You can start with either oil, gum, balm, or other products. But make sure to calculate the dosage with a CBD calculator.

When your body gets used to the taste, you can up the dosage gradually. And it’s essential for any treatment that you maintain the regularity. Otherwise, the effects can wear off easily. 

CBD Side Effects

There are many possible side effects that you may face using CBD. You should not start using it without knowing them. Here are some of the side effects you might want to know about.

• Drowsiness

• Frequent vomiting urges

• Loose motions or diarrhea

• Physical weakness

• Reduced appetite

Also, many IBS patients can have an intolerance to CBD oil. For them, it’s best to avoid such substances. There are other methods to treat IBS.

Is CBD Legal?

CBD actually is a troublesome thing in many localities. In many US states, the legality of CBD depends on the THC levels. The same thing is followed by the UK laws too. So if the level of THC is more than 0.3%, then you shouldn’t use it.

If you are confused about the difference between CBD and THC, then you don’t have to worry. You can read all about CBD vs THC comparison and figure it out yourself!

In the US and UK, there aren’t any legal issues with products that have low levels of THC. What about Australia? Well, there, the law is quite strict. You can’t purchase any CBD products without a medical prescription. You can’t even order them online.

You will need to get the Therapeutic Goods Administration’s approval before you can own any product that contains CBD. That can be a very tricky process to go through.

Safety Regarding CBD 

There are many unauthorized and non-FDA-approved CBD products. The quality and consistency vary heavily between different products. So there are definitely some safety concerns about purchasing CBD.

If you don’t know where to buy CBD oil, don’t worry. You’ll find it in your local pharmacy. But the main concern is not the availability of the product. It is a safety concern about CBD.

Mainly there are two safety issues consumers face with CBD. First, you can’t definitely know if the THC level is under 0.3% or not. If the percentage is high, then you might face severe consequences. 

Again, even with the accurate THC level, the product can be altered. So there has to be certification about the product.

Second and last, companies extract CBD oils in two ways: either with solvents or using CO2. However, these extraction processes can be quite toxic if they’re not done right. So that is also a thing you need to consider.

The Truth About CBD for IBS

While CBD is effective for many diseases, this can’t be definitively claimed for IBS yet. The research is still not conclusive. However, your gut mobility and digestion may get better using CBD products. 

But without extensive research, we still can’t consider it the most effective treatment. Again, you can obviously use CBD to reduce IBS symptoms. But it’s always best to use the formal and more medical-aligned treatments.


Although we have seen that CBD can improve many medical conditions, we’re still not 100% sure if the same can be said for treating IBS. 

However, there’s no harm in trying as long as you source CBD oil from a reputed vendor. Plus, you need to start slow with a low dosage and dial it up once you know for sure that’s the right way to go. 

We hope that this article on how to treat IBS with CBD has been helpful.