Autumn is the time for apples. It is really good with anything. It can easily tone our bodies and brains. In case you are stressed by gambling too long at 20Bet, get a glass of apple juice and you will be fixed and back to normal again. Juice in bags and bottles can be bought in stores all year round. Freshly squeezed juice can also be prepared out of season. But it is best to prepare it from seasonal apples from late August to early October

Apple juice is undoubtedly the most popular in our country. This is a real symbol of a healthy lifestyle.

Why Is It So Good?

It is low-calorie and contains a lot of iron, fruit acids, and pectin substances. Apple juice increases the body’s resistance to colds and infectious diseases, helps with diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, and lung problems counteract the formation of kidney stones, improves digestion, and stimulates the intestines.

In diabetes, green apple juice should be consumed. In obesity, a mixture of apple, tomato, and lemon juice is recommended.

Apple juice can also be mixed with other fruit and vegetable juices – carrot, beetroot, celery, peach, and grape. In addition, juice from green and red apples is one of the important ingredients in cocktails. Kissel, mousse, jelly, and sorbet are prepared from it. Fermented apple juice is used to make cider, spirits (calvados, apple cider), and apple cider vinegar.

Squeezed juice from apples can be stored in the refrigerator in a container with a lid for about a day. For longer storage, the juice can be sterilized or frozen. But it is better to use it immediately after preparation. So that vitamins and other useful substances do not have time to be lost.