Water main breaks happen for a variety of reasons. Aging pipes, temperature changes, and ground shifts are common causes of breakages.

If you suspect a water main break, it’s important to report it as soon as possible. This will ensure the correct crew is sent to the site to resolve the issue.

Timely water main break repair is crucial to prevent extensive damage and costly repairs. Delaying repairs can lead to significant water loss and property damage. For more information on addressing plumbing issues efficiently and effectively, you can read review to understand the best practices and expert tips for handling such emergencies

Repairing a Water Main Break promptly

While dealing with plumbing issues in your home can be difficult, it’s a whole different story regarding repairing a water main break. Water mains are buried underground and carry water from your area’s public supply to your service line. They run under sidewalks and roads, making them prone to breaks due to the stress on them from weather changes.

When a water main break occurs, several steps must happen to get everything back on track:

  1. The break must be reported and inspected.
  2. The affected area must be blocked off if it damages a road or sidewalk.
  3. The crew must determine where the water leaks from the broken pipe.

They do this by visually inspecting the area, listening with correlating equipment, or excavating.

Once the leak’s location is determined, they must shut off the water in that area. Customers are then notified and told to draw a temporary water supply from other city regions until the repair can be made.

Once the water is back on, the crew must test and sample it to ensure it is safe for consumption. It might take a few days. The time it takes to restore water is determined by various factors, including the sort of excavation required to rebuild the pipe.

Preventing Water Damage

It’s not just costly; water damage can harm your family members and pets. It’s important to contact a plumber if you see any signs of mainline leaks.

The water main that carries water from the city into your home is called a water main. While the city is responsible for fixing breaks in the public water lines, you are responsible for the water line that leads from your house to the street. These pipes can often be subject to extreme temperature changes, and this causes them to shift, often resulting in a water main break.

When a water main breaks, it can cause the surrounding area to flood and may create traffic issues. Depending on the severity of the situation, the water department will either close off the affected regions or endeavor to minimize interruptions to the greatest extent feasible.

When a water main is fixed, water pressure will likely be low and discolored. In rare situations, you may be subjected to a boil warning due to pollution, meaning the water must be heated to a full boil before use. Remember that water may contain debris and mud from a damaged pipe. It would help to remember that the water might contain dirt and debris from the broken pipe. This is why shutting off the water valve for your service line is important, and avoiding showering, washing dishes, or rinsing your yard until the water is tested and safe.

Preventing Boil Water Advisory

A water main break is an emergency that requires immediate attention. This is especially true for residential customers as well as businesses. Signs like water running down the street and buckled pavement indicate a water main break. Once the holiday location is determined, the water service will be shut off to effect repairs. Typically, a Boil Water Advisory (BWA) is issued to all those in the affected area.

This precautionary measure is based on the risk that the microorganisms present in sediment and silt from the broken pipe could be carried into household faucets and used for drinking or cooking. These microorganisms include bacteria, parasites and cysts such as giardia, E. coli and Legionella. Ingesting these organisms can result in various symptoms, such as diarrhea, vomiting and stomach cramps.

Once the source of a break is located, crews work with control center operators to determine the best way to isolate the water line and turn it off. They also make every effort to let residents know that their water will be off by posting signs, using the Township’s Facebook and Twitter accounts or going door to door if possible.

Once the break is located and repaired, a crew must flush, test and recharge the water main, put all other utilities back in place, bury and tamp down the fill, and restore the surface (grass, sidewalk, asphalt or concrete). This can take days. The key is having multiple experienced crews available, so Team Balkan has over 70 years of experience and always has numerous water main crews ready to respond to a call.

Preventing Environmental Damage

Suppose a water main breaks, dirt and other contaminants can access the municipal water supply. These pollutants can enter the home’s plumbing and cause illness if ingested. When this happens, a water boil warning will often be issued, so people are advised to bring their water to a rolling boil for a minute before drinking it.

There are many reasons why a water main break occurs. Aging infrastructure is at a greater risk of breaking due to corrosion over time, and construction or extreme weather can cause the ground to shift underneath the pipe, causing it to crack.

Water main breaks also happen when the pressure in the system drops below the minimum standard. This can allow bacteria to enter the pipe and affect the water supply. When a water main breaks, crews need to pinpoint the exact location of the leak. This involves visual inspection and using special listening equipment to locate the broken section of the pipe. Once the site is found, crews shut off valves to isolate the pipe’s damaged area. This may disrupt service to some homes, but good water main repair companies are committed to minimizing disruption.