The challenges facing educators in St. Clair have been brought to the forefront. Teachers’ starting salaries are among the lowest in America, so two St. Clair High school educators have found unconventional ways to supplement their income. Megan Gaither and Brianna Coppage were suspended from their jobs as English teachers and cheerleading coaches, respectively, for the recent incident. This highlights a tension that is growing between professional expectations and individual financial needs.

What led to the suspension of teachers?

Megan Gaither was suspended after it became known that she used an OnlyFans account as a way to supplement her $47,000 salary. Brianna Coppage was also exposed as running an account at the same platform. Both teachers were placed on leave after their outside activities were discovered. This sparked a debate about privacy and financial necessity.

What financial pressures influenced their decisions?

Gaither’s candidness about her financial struggles reveals the larger economic challenges that teachers face. Gaither commented on the difficulties of stretching a teachers’ paycheck, especially during the summer months. She started an OnlyFans Account, which generated an extra $5,000 per month. This was to ensure financial stability in lean times. Coppage, who was also facing financial stress, cited her need to manage student loans as the reason for creating online content.

What are the implications for teacher privacy?

This situation raises the question of how much an individual’s personal life can affect their career. Gaither’s attempts to keep her identity and separate her worlds from the media were undermined by a student who discovered her secret. Both teachers stressed that their online activity was completely separate from their teaching duties. This highlights the difficulty of maintaining privacy in a digital age.

What are the teachers doing to respond?

Gaither announced her intention to make noise about unfair teacher salaries in the wake of the events. Gaither has taken an active stance by speaking publicly about her situation. Teachers’ shared experiences led them to work together on content, possibly as a response to financial pressures.

What is the context of teacher salaries?

National Education Association states that Missouri’s teachers’ starting salaries are among the lowest of all the US. The systemic problem of underpaying teachers forces many to look for additional income sources. The stories of Gaither and Coppage are indicative of a larger economic problem, in which the compensation for educators is not commensurate with their qualifications and importance.

What Next for Teachers?

Gaither and Coppage, both educators, are considering major changes as the debate over teacher salaries continues. Gaither is contemplating relocating and reactivating an online account. Coppage, on the other hand, has no regrets about leaving teaching to pursue a more lucrative online career. These decisions show a possible shift in the way teachers deal with financial insecurities, and what they do when traditional systems don’t support them.

Megan Gaither’s and Brianna Copage’s experiences at St. Clair High School are a microcosm for the financial struggles teachers face nationwide. These stories highlight the need to reevaluate educator compensation, and the boundary between personal and work life in the digital age. The narrative will probably catalyze a further discussion on the value and sustainability of teachers in the current economic structure.


  1. Why was Megan Gaither expelled from St. Clair High School
    • Megan Gaither has been suspended for using a secret OnlyFans to supplement her teacher’s pay.
  2. How did Megan Gaither fans discover her OnlyFans account on Twitter?
    • Gaither was suspended after a student discovered her account and revealed that they knew about it.
  3. What was Megan Gaither’s reaction to being suspended from her teaching position?
    • Gaither was shocked that her career had been jeopardized by her OnlyFans business, which she began to earn extra money.
  4. Megan Gaither plans to leave St. Clair?
    • Gaither has considered moving and possibly restarting her OnlyFans to help support herself financially.
  5. What is Megan Gaither’s position on teacher salaries and side jobs, for example?
    • Gaither supports educators who want to do side jobs and raises awareness of the inadequate pay for teachers.