Do you know? We, lifeguards, have also been children, and we remember the things we liked to do in the water and the things that annoyed us. As we have grown we have become interested in the work of monitoring and avoiding accidents in swimming pools and beaches, we have learned what is dangerous and the things that help us prevent it, we also know what to do in case something happens but Our main job is to do everything possible so that mishaps do not happen.

So now we give you these tips. We can have fun in many ways without risking something bad happening to us. All the things that we advise you have a reason, we will explain some of them and you will see how you agree with us.

You should never bathe alone, an adult must always be with the children, but if you also know what is dangerous, even better.

You have already seen that the sea is not always the same, sometimes the waves are stronger or a storm is expected, and there may also be jellyfish or currents… the lifeguard service uses three flags to communicate the state of the sea to bathers:


 The sea is in good condition for swimming.


Caution… the conditions are not the best, you have to be careful, do not go far from the beach and be very careful

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Swimming is prohibited. Bathing is dangerous and completely prohibited. Never go into the water with a red flag.

  • You are restless and like to run around the edge of the pool and dive headfirst or play push your friends but we have healed many injuries from falls on a slippery floor. And we have also had to take people to hospitals with very serious problems for diving headfirst. There are other places to run and it’s also a shame to spoil the whole summer due to a fall that we can avoid, don’t you think? We better leave the races for another time. 
  • If you go to a water park, follow the instructions to use the attractions without problems, the SOS will tell you how to throw yourself down the slides and the safety regulations at all times.
  • You have to learn to swim as soon as possible, it’s so much fun. Swimming is a very healthy sport and also helps prevent drowning. But until you know how to use a lifejacket, we don’t like the sleeves and ring floats, they can slip and come off, and the vest is sure not to be lost! Also, be very careful with inflatables, and mattresses… you can go out to sea and have problems getting back later. Better not use them and if you always do it with an adult.
  • On the beach it is easy to get lost, all umbrellas are similar, and you can get lost. The lifeguard service will provide you with a bracelet where you can write down the phone number of the accompanying adult. You can also write the number on your skin. If you are lost go to the lifeguard, he will help you.
  • We spend many hours in the sun, we know that it burns our skin, we protect ourselves with sunscreen, sunglasses, a hat… you have to do the same, protection and hydration quite often to avoid heatstroke.
  • Finally, if you see someone having problems in the water, tell an adult so they can quickly notify the lifeguard of what is happening.
  • We like children and we love to see how you have fun, thinking of you we have made a couple of games that you can download to learn how to protect yourself while you play.

To find lifeguard training near you in all the major cities of the US, visit American Lifeguard Association where you can find many various lifeguard training programs to choose from.