Can the ideal quantity of quality assurance be selected? The short answer is no in this case. This is why.

The scope of testing and your testing approach is impacted by a number of things.

  1. Solution horizon

Scrum is used as the project methodology for around 80% of software testing projects outsourcing.

Scrum, like the majority of Agile frameworks, is centered on change. Every sprint brings with it new requirements, shifting priorities, and business requirements-driven development.

What does it imply in terms of QA?

Your planning window is rather little, then. After a few sprints, you’ll undoubtedly determine your team’s capability.

You can’t forecast the following sprint’s skill set — will you test APIs or UX? Will new gadgets be in the office for testing? Will development team capacity effect deadlines? All of these factors affect your ability to plan and anticipate QA needs. You shouldn’t stop planning, however.

  1. Outside variables

Consider that your one-year plan calls for the release of a completely new product.

You should consider current data on the devices your target audience uses to engage with your product while preparing QA.

When considering things strategically, the iPhone 7 will be three generations old by December 2019. Therefore, the question is, do you care? And what if you base all of your testing and development on the Apple Watch but, a few months before it is released, Apple decides to recall every single unit because of serious problems?

Therefore, the advice is to plan but to be flexible. The species that survives is neither the smartest nor the one with the greatest physical prowess. It is the one that can adjust to change the best.

What must be checked most thoroughly in terms of quality?

That is an excellent question! But it got a rather easy solution.

Today, the whole list of desirable qualities may be found online. Therefore, it suggests going through this list once again and considering if each item is still relevant for your product when developing a QA plan for any of our projects. When it comes to functionality and UI/usability, the majority of the time, your response will be YES. Planning functional, UI, compatibility, and usability tests can help with this.

Quick Reminder: If you need functional testing services, you can always contact a professional functional testing company like Utor.

The one that gets the most attention is compatibility.

Never forget that you cannot force your audience to utilize the same browser or mobile device as you. You must respect their decision and give them your support.

Note: Be sure to consider the location of your audience; Americans and Chinese both use quite different types of cellphones.

Consider creating an internal accounting solution with your CFO and two to three more analysts or accountants.

In this situation, you may not be concerned with the solution performance if creating a single report, which you only do once a year, takes five minutes. What if your remedy is a piece of stock market software? Since the market changes in nanoseconds and five minutes can cost you a lot, performance is crucial in this situation.

Another important subject is security. Do you keep a record of your clients’ credit card information or personal information (such SSN and DOB)? Yes, security testing is essential.

And it can assure you that you would rather comply with HIPAA, FDA, PCI-DSS, and other requirements than take your clients to court.

To sum up

In this day and age, it makes little difference if someone tests their product or not. The selection of the testing strategy that is going to provide the most value in terms of meeting the requirements set forth by the generated software, end users, and business stakeholders is now the primary focus.

Setting priorities and engaging in flexible planning will be helpful in arriving at the optimal option for your product.