Often at exams, the network is jammed or phones are taken away, at such times the student can only rely on his knowledge or cheat sheets. There are many ways to make a cheat sheet. Choose your own and do not worry about the exam.

How to prepare a cheat sheet

  1. The fastest way to how to make a cheat sheet is to type the answers to the questions in Word. When doing this, try to fit all the information on one page. Use a readable font, such as Tahoma. When the answers are ready, from the print menu, choose to print several pages on one sheet. The number of pages depends on your eyesight – the more pages, the smaller the font. If you somehow managed to get tickets, preparing such a cheat sheet will be even easier. It is enough to fit the answers to the questions on one sheet of paper.
  2. You can write the cheat sheet by hand, but you will have to be very shallow. You don’t have to do it on sheets of paper, you can use erasers, rulers, pens, and the rest of the contents of your pencil case. In this case, use abbreviations and acronyms. But don’t overdo it, or you won’t be able to make out your text.
  3. The most daring students can use a “bombshell”. It is a ready-made answer to a ticket, which should be taken out inconspicuously during the exam. Don’t forget to pretend to write something diligently afterward. Some students prepare “invisible bombs”. Take two sheets of A4, put one on top of the other, and press down hard on the pen. This will leave a mark on the second sheet, which should be circled on the exam. This cheat sheet is suitable if the teacher does not stamp or sign the drafts.
  4. If the exam is half an hour away and you can’t remember the name of a scholar or a formula in any way, write it on your hand or wrist. Some girls purposely wear skirts to an exam to write a cheat sheet on their legs above their knees. It is unlikely that examiners will ask a student to raise her skirt.

Benefits of cheat sheets

Many professors recommend that students write cheat sheets to memorize the subject better. The fact is that almost any cheat sheet is an outline of lectures and textbooks. As you write it, your brain structures new information and remember it. Let’s imagine that you’ve found a needed information for it, using biology homework help, for example. Read it once, twice, wrote it on a sheet and… you remember it!

Cheat sheets relieve the stress of students who are overly anxious before an exam. If you forget something, you can peek at it. This thought calms you down and gives you confidence.

If a student writes cheat sheets, it means that he is not discouraged and tries to find a way out of any situation. Such quality should be developed because the student will need it more than once after the study.

The question of how to make a cheat sheet is half the battle. It takes real skill to use this cheat sheet.