You know you’re supposed to get 8 hours of sleep every night, but do you? Between 10% to 30% of adults struggle with chronic insomnia and many more than that find it difficult to get a good night’s rest. 

The importance of restful sleep cannot be overstated. It is directly connected to your physical and emotional wellbeing. 

If you have trouble falling asleep, check out these 4 top tips on how to fall asleep faster. 

1. Keep Tech Out of the Bedroom

Falling asleep quickly is often inhibited by bad phone and tech habits. Mindless social media scrolling in bed, watching videos and other screen time activities negatively impact your quality of sleep. 

If you’re wondering how to sleep well, the first step is reducing screen time before bed. The blue light emissions give off a similar light to sunlight which isn’t ideal when you’re trying to sleep. 

Get into the habit of putting your phone away and on ‘Do Not Disturb’ mode when you get into bed. Replace phone habits with music, reading, or audiobooks if you struggle to wind down. 

2. Keep a Regular Sleep Schedule  

For a comfortable sleep every night you need to get into the habit of a regular sleep schedule so that your body clock adjusts to sleeping and waking at certain times. 

Of course, it’s not always easy to do this as you may have ad hoc obligations that affect your sleeping hours. However, when you can you should stick to a sleep schedule. 

This means setting an alarm and waking up at similar hours every day — even if you don’t need to wake up. 

3. Create a Good Sleep Environment 

From bedding sets to lighting and air quality, there are plenty of adjustments that you can make to your bedroom to encourage restful sleep. 

Assess your environment and try to identify what could disrupt your sleep. Perhaps you need curtains that block out more light, or a humidifier to add moisture to the air. 

The importance of sleep makes it worthwhile to invest in turning your bedroom into your personal sanctuary. 

4. Eat Mindfully 

What you eat can have a direct impact on the quality of your sleep. If you’re prone to heartburn, for example, you should avoid spicy and inflammatory foods before bed. 

From the early afternoon onwards avoid caffeine and sugary foods — as this can end up keeping you up all night. 

Rather, eat foods high in fiber and rich in unsaturated fats before dinner — the lighter the meal the better. Of course, you should never go to bed hungry as this will disrupt your sleep too. 

Now You Know How to Fall Asleep Faster 

Kiss your sleeping problems goodbye with these effective tips on how to fall asleep faster. Put your phone away before bed, watch what you eat, and invest in a comfortable environment. 

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