A well-thought-out email campaign has the potential to catapult your sales. Research by McKinsey & Company showed that sales emails could bring in 40 times more prospects than social media sites.

On the other hand, a lukewarm email campaign may end with nothing more than emails that land in the spam folder or go unanswered. This article will go over the most valuable email training tips to help make your sales email campaigns more fruitful.

Research thoroughly

Your emails will likely get more responses if they trigger the right emotions. Often, activating emotion is an intricate process requiring a deep-seated connection with your prospects. How do you develop a connection with people you don’t know? You have to become familiar with and understand your customers and their pain points.

In-depth research can help you paint a realistic picture of your buyers. Once you have a distinct buyer persona, you will be better placed to tailor your emails to invoke your customers’ emotions. Through sales training courses, your team can learn how to arrive at the buyer persona to better identify your prospects.

Well-crafted subject lines

An email isn’t worth much unless your prospects open it. Crafting a subject line that appeals to your audience can help entice your prospects to click on your emails. Sales trainers advise using tailored, impactful subject lines to avoid emails getting dumped in the trash folder.

It’s also important to remember that there’s a fine line between click-worthy and over-the-top subject line messages. It also helps to avoid overselling. Ensure that your email delivers on whatever promise your subject line makes. Be sincere and avoid being misleading.

Write to give value

A basic rule of thumb with sales emails is to write the email for the reader. This means thinking about what your reader wants to read rather than what you want to say. So, instead of lauding your business and product, train yourself to focus on how your customers can derive value from your proposition. Onsite negotiation trainers advise that focusing on your product or service’s benefits is one way to clearly show value.

Remember that your customers will likely receive many emails – a few from your competitors, too. To stand out from the rest, offer the most value.

Make your call to action clear

Imagine a buyer opening your email, reading it, and liking what they hear. When the buyer gets to the end of the email, the closing line is complex or doesn’t link well with the rest of the content. Such an anti-climax will likely result in the email feeling half-baked – almost there, but not quite.

How do you make sure your prospects bite the hook? Lead your customers directly to the next step. Your sales email will benefit from a clear-cut closing with a call to action, delivered in as few words as possible. For example: “Judy, 4 Spots Remain on Our Onsite Negotiation Course.”

Pay attention to detail

If your email reads like it dropped off an assembly line, it will likely not elicit a response. If anything, Google algorithms will shelve it in the promotions tab – or worse, the spam folder. You’d then likely eliminate any chance you have with the prospect. To heighten your chances of a response, pay attention to even the most miniscule of details. Smaller details like a misspelt name may seem unimportant, but can potentially be off putting for the buyer. Train yourself to:

  • Ensure the template is set up for maximum personalization.
  • Adequately proofread your emails.
  • Link all your emails in each email series to tell a single story.
  • Maintain a friendly tone.

A well-structured email pays heed to all the little details. Resultantly, it makes prospects feel like it was penned just for them and invites them to hang on to your every word. Btw, to make your marketing experience really omnichannel, consider using direct mailing services

To conclude

Email marketing can be a powerful tool to lead prospects through the funnel. Your emails stand a better chance of negotiating success when they are well structured and are as personalized as possible. Most importantly, take the time to research or take the right training to help tap into buyers’ pain points to craft irresistible sales emails.