A hand mixer is a convenient tool for whisking eggs, whipping cream, and mixing cake batter. It’s a perfect choice for someone with a small kitchen as it needs less storage space. It is also easy to use and clean, lightweight hence can easily be carried, and relatively cheap.

If you are planning to buy a hand mixer, make sure you invest in good quality. Most people use price as a deciding factor. However, the price of a hand mixer doesn’t influence its quality. Note that some mixers could be cheaper but of high quality and vice versa. Here are five things to consider when choosing a hand mixer.

  • How Much Watt a Model Offers

Look for a powerful mixer that will get the job done quickly and efficiently. Don’t overlook the watts of a particular model. Watts is simply the power that goes in and comes out of your mixer. A model with a lower watt probably has high-quality gears that need fewer watts to operate. Now, this can be confusing, especially since many of us think the more watts, the better the quality. Choose a mixer of at least 350 watts and above.

  • The Hand Mixer’s Base

What is the size of the base? Often, mixers with a small base will end up toppling time and again. And this can be frustrating, especially when in a hurry. Look for a model that has a flat and stable surface. Some manufacturers try to incorporate style and add an arch below the mixer’s base. While this creates an appealing design, it can have drastic implications. Make sure you test the stability of the mixer first before paying for it. Also, check the angle the power cord comes from the mixer as it influences stability. It shouldn’t be too steep such that it makes the mixer unstable. 

  • The Weight of the Mixer

A hand mixer is a handheld tool. But imagine how tiring it can be working with a heavy model. Well, we don’t recommend super light hand mixers that easily fall. But, the weight needs to be average. Otherwise, most tasks, even the simplest ones, will feel hectic.

A hand mixer weighing approximately 680g without any attachments is a suitable option. You can still get a model weighing less than this. But ensure it is not too flimsy.

However, bear in mind that most manufacturers don’t indicate the weight of the mixer on the box. So if you don’t want to carry your weighing scale to the store, you may have to approximate the weight based on how it feels on your hands.

  • Speed Setting of the Hand Mixer

Hand mixers feature different speed controls. Some models have three speeds while other models have five or even ten speeds. Your mixing needs will influence which speed to choose. For example, a slow start speed is best for mixing dry ingredients, as it will prevent splatters and messes. However, if you want to mix a thicker dough, you’ll need higher speeds. But we should mention that slow mixers aren’t automatically slow. Some could be really fast. So make sure you test the speed at the store if they allow you to. If you prefer to shop online, here you can get a multiple speed hand mixer at https://shop.kenwoodworld.com/kw_sg/baking/hand-mixers.html.

  • The Price of the Hand Mixer

Hand mixers range from $20 to $100, depending on their quality and the features they have. What’s essential is to buy the best quality mixture at the price you can afford. It’s also wise to opt for a model with a warranty for broken or damaged parts.


The right-hand mixer will depend on your needs and preference. But, knowing what to look for in a hand mixer will save you time, effort, and money.