You have been thinking about getting a juicer we see? Good. Juicers are awesome, but you already know that right? Juicers can make absolutely delicious additions when you are completing my home project. 

So, why not? Juicing is so popular for a reason, and juicing your fruit and veg can lead to some tasty magic you didn’t know existed. 

However, you should never dive in blind, juicing is an art form, like anything in the kitchen, it is not the same as smoothies or milkshakes, so you can’t just go at it blind like you might with those. 

And no, you cannot just use any old blender to juice, juicing requires special equipment. 

So, before we give you your 5 tips, let’s just remind you…


Why Juice?

Before we get into it, why should you even make juice? Well, fresh juice is just better for your health. Sure that stuff at the store is nice, but it is packed with tons of ingredients that are not good for you. They put in additional sugars, artificial flavorings and preservatives. 

It’s not worth it when you could just make your own and have your health love you for it! 

Diets that are rich in fruit and veg like the Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of so many diseases and illnesses, so juicing should be on the top of your list for a long and healthy life. 

Now… shall we get down to it?

#1. Always Choose the Right Juicer

You need to start by choosing a juicer, remember you need a juicer for this, blenders are not juicers! 

There are three types: centrifugal, masticating, and cold press juicers. 

Centrifugal will be used in homes for juice to be drunk immediately. The fruit and veg will be forced into a spinning blade that extracts the juice at a fast speed. 

Masticating juicers are slower. The produce is crushed much slower than the aforementioned option, so there are more nutrients coming from the fruit and veg. 

Cold-press is the last option, it is the most costly, but also the best. It is ideal if you seek nutritional value. Juice made with this can be stored in your fridge for days without any loss in value of nutrients.

#2. Start Small

You may want to just mix things in together and experiment with your juices from the get go. That sounds like fun, but you might want to start off with a few simple recipes first, until you get the hang of it. 

Once you have the hang of it, go wild, experiment. Who cares if you make one disgusting juice, at least you know now! 

#3. Know What You Can And Can’t Use

Not everything is juice-able, you cannot just chuck any of the fruit or veg into the juicer and see what happens. There are some raw fruits you just can’t juice such as avocados, mangoes, kiwis, and even bananas. 

Know the limitations of juicing, and stick with what you can use. A good and easy place to begin is oranges or apples. Try creating the traditional juices first, or even go super easy with strawberries. 

In fact, berries are the best place to begin! 

#4. Prep Is Half The Job

Always prep the right way. Before you start juicing ensure you always wash your ingredients with a vegetable wash. 

When you make your own juice you want the produce to be spotless so that you get the best from it. Vegetable washes are a good way to do this. 

With some veg and fruit you may need to remove stems, seeds, or skins before you pop them in the juicer, so always double check what you need to do to properly prepare your produce prior to juicing. 

Everything will be different, maybe make a list?

#5. Always Read The Instructions!

It may seem like teaching grandmother to suck eggs, but you should always read the instructions. So many of us skip this imperative step whenever we start something new. This is how you mess things up. 

A good juicer is an investment and many aren’t cheap, so when you find the right juicer you need to get familiar with the instructions. The last thing you want to do is damage it because you didn’t read the instructions. 

Ensure you understand everything your juicer does, all its functions and such. This is crucial to the process of juicing and is well worth paying attention to.