
For all those who are afraid to go shopping for fish or those who don’t live near any freshwater fishing, it is not a problem anymore. There is an abundance of online stores that offer fresh and it’s also cheaper. All one needs to do is browse the website, but what he wants in the cart and checkout. Below are some of the things one should know for you to comfortably buy fish online?

1. Reputation of the store / Vendor

How long has it been around and how many customers buy from him/her? This will give a good idea of how well they are doing. They could still be new, but if they have a lot of positive reviews, it’s better to find out first if they are trustworthy and clean with their business.

2. How do they pack the fish?

Do they vacuum-seal it or use some sort of air-free container? For example, I’ve read some reviews where the fish tend to leak blood inside the package when using normal packaging. That’s bad as well as the fish will smell unappetizing.

3. Are fresh, frozen, or previously frozen?

This is an important question to ask before purchase – because if you get it home and see it’s a previously frozen one, that is not going to be good for your fish in the long run. It will be smelling bad and you are using it to cook other food and you might end up cooking them all together, which will make them decay faster.

4. What kind of fish are they?

Make sure it is the kind of fish you want. You might not like the taste of some fish so be sure to check them out first. To make sure they are the type of fish you want some stores to offer samples to see if it is acceptable or not.

5. What size are they?

Make sure you are getting the size you want. When ordering from an online store it is hard to know the exact size that you need. They usually have instructions on how to pack them and what you should expect, but if they don’t – then do some research first on how they are packed.

6. Price

Is the shop really cheap? Does it offer bonuses? How much will it cost if I buy a few fish together? Will the buyer be getting a bonus for buying a lot of fish at once? Chances are, you will be getting a good deal. They might have a special deal for fish that is fresh and in bulk, or whatever the case may be. They will also have their own discounts on certain items, so check out the shop first to see if they have any special offers.

7. Is it fast?

How long does it take the vendor to prepare your order? If they are too slow, then you might want to consider other options.


The most important thing to keep in mind when you want to buy fish online is to find a trusted and reliable seller. Do your research for the best seller or company you can find. The type of fish one needs dictates the kind of shop one goes to, but if you have no choice, then just make sure it’s not too expensive as well as deliverable on time.