Did you know that one out of seven adults suffers from kidney disease? Despite the prevalence of this type of disease, many people are unfamiliar that certain foods need to be avoided.

But, exactly what foods should you avoid? And how strictly do you need to follow the diet? If you want to learn the answer to these questions, you’re in the right place.

In this guide, we’ll teach you everything you need to know about foods to avoid with kidney disease. That way, you can stay safe with your condition and limit bad food for kidneys.

1. Canned Foods

You’ll find a lot of the items on this list are related to high sodium intake. That’s because when you struggle with chronic kidney disease, your body cannot remove excess sodium.

Potassium and phosphorus also can’t be removed easily and can lead to renal failure. Sadly, most canned foods contain high amounts of sodium.

If you need a quick and cheap canned meal, then make sure to keep your eye out for ones with low sodium. That way, you’re controlling your intake.

2. Soda

Most people know that soda contains a lot of calories and sugar. However, this isn’t what’s harmful to people with kidney disease. Instead, it’s the additives that are in the soda.

These ingredients tend to contain large amounts of phosphorus. And, as we mentioned, your body will have difficulty removing the excess from your body.

If you do decide to drink soda, then try to avoid dark-colored ones. These contain the highest levels of phosphorus.

3. Avocados

Those who know a thing or two about healthy foods might be scratching their heads wondering why avocados are on this list. These superfoods indeed contain a lot of healthy fats and antioxidants.

Unfortunately, they’re also an extremely rich source of potassium. It’s estimated that one avocado can have up to 690 milligrams of potassium.

Depending on your diet, it might be okay to consume a little avocado now and then. But, you should try to limit your intake to a quarter of an avocado at a time.

4. Bananas

Bananas fall in the same category as avocados. They might be healthy, but they’re also high in potassium.

Sadly, this fact is true for the vast majority of tropical fruits. However, if you want a good substitute, then you can try pineapple. This contains a lot less potassium than a banana.

5. Oranges

Bad news for people that enjoy orange juice with their breakfast. Indeed, oranges are typically known for their large vitamin C concentrations. Sadly, they also contain a large amount of potassium.

The good news for juice lovers is that you can still enjoy things like grape, apple, and cranberry juice. None of these have high levels of potassium.

6. Dairy

Growing up, we likely all heard that dairy is good for your bones. However, if you have kidney disease, then the opposite is true. That’s because the high amount of phosphorus and potassium found in dairy can’t be processed by the kidneys.

When it does this, it ends up stuck in our blood. This buildup can then pull calcium from the bones, which makes them actively weaker. If you aren’t careful, then you could easily break a bone.

Instead, consider dairy substitutes. The good news is that there are many to choose from and there are quite a few recipes for replicating cheese flavor.

7. Whole Wheat Bread and Brown Rice

Again, this might be confusing to health food nuts. But, if you have kidney disease, then it’s better to eat white bread and white rice. Why?

Because the bran and whole grains found in wheat bread and brown rice provide you with a lot of vitamins. Unfortunately for people with kidney disease, that includes phosphorus and potassium.

So, while white bread and white rice might not be as nutritious, it’s better for your health in this case.

8. Processed Meats and Foods

Processed meats and foods include things like hot dogs, bacon, jerky, sausage, microwave meals, ramen, and frozen pizza. The preservative contents of these foods already make them unhealthy for most people.

Unfortunately for people on a kidney disease diet, they also contain high amounts of sodium.

Additionally, too much protein can be dangerous for people with kidney disease. So, that’s another reason why processed meats in particular should be avoided.

9. Pickled Foods

While pickled food like pickles, olives, and relish might be tasty to some, they also contain high amounts of sodium.

This is thanks to the curing process which keeps them submerged in a salty brine. If you have a serious love for pickles, then don’t panic. Just make sure you look for ones that contain low levels of sodium.

How Closely Do I Need to Follow a Kidney-Friendly Diet?

It’s important to remember that every person with kidney disease is different. Depending on the stage of your kidney disease, you might have different dietary requirements than another person suffering from the same condition.

For example, if you’re diagnosed with early-stage chronic kidney disease, then you won’t need to follow the kidney-friendly diet as closely as someone in the late or end-stage.

Not sure what stage of your kidney disease you’re at? We recommend meeting with our kidney specialists.

They can perform tests and let you know what type of diet you should be following and how strictly it needs to be adhered to.

Appreciate Learning Foods to Avoid With Kidney Disease? Keep Exploring

We hope this article helped you learn more about foods to avoid with kidney disease. We know that it can be difficult to cut all of these foods from your diet.

But, it’s important to think actively about what you eat and do your best to make substitutes when you can.

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