Everyone wants beautiful hair, which only can be possible if one gives proper attention to their health and well-being. As a very crucial part of one’s look, hair is very important for most people. It can reflect the identity and personality to a great extent.

Though there are various types of hairstyles, most people will agree that healthy and beautiful hair is a must for all of them. So, to achieve this mission, you need the help of Ayurveda for hair growth.

As per Ayurveda, hair is a very important issue that is linked with the central nervous system and bone marrow. So, one should take care of their hair from the inside out as well. There should be nourishment, well-being, and a state of balance as well.

Thus, to fulfill this task of taking care of the hair, Ayurveda offers a daily routine that can help to retain the good health of hair. This routine can be accomplished with a proper diet and good self-care activities.

The tips of Ayurveda for hair growth

As discussed before, a healthy routine can always help you to get healthy hair. Here are some tips that can help you to get gorgeous and healthy hair.

Massage the scalp while washing

When you are washing your hair, don’t forget to massage the scalp with gentle hands. This can help your hair by stimulating the hair follicles and thus promoting hair growth. Always use the tips of your fingers while massaging.

Don’t wash hair frequently

In some cases, you may not need to wash your hair as frequently as you think. The more frequently you wash your hair; its natural balance can get disrupted. Thus, washing hair three times per week is more than enough.

Oil your hair and scalp

Remember to oil your hair and scalp with Ayurvedic oils at least once a week. This will help you to retain your health and properly grow your hair. There are various types of oils in Ayurveda for hair growth that can help you to a great extent.

Avoid the use of harmful chemicals

Chemicals can get directly absorbed through the scalp and then can enter into the bloodstream. So, always avoid chemical products and go for something that is natural and doesn’t have any side effects.

Get enough sleep

Also, giving yourself some time to have a good sleep and following some healthy eating habits can also help you in your effort to maintain your gorgeous and healthy hair for a longer period of time. Remember to braid your hair before going to bed at night.

Best hair oils in Ayurveda for hair growth

Here is a list of those oils that are really beneficial for maintaining the health and beauty of your hair, according to Ayurveda. Such as:

1. Sesame oil

Sesame oil is a really beneficial oil when talking about the health of the hair. It is extracted from the seeds of Sesame; the oil it produces has conditioning, nourishing properties for our hair.

2. Coconut oil

There are many benefits of coconut oil to help in your hair growth. It is a versatile oil and is enriched with vitamins, carbohydrates, and also minerals, thus helping in promoting hair growth.

So, there is no doubt that if you want beautiful and healthy hair, you need to follow the tips of Ayurveda for hair growth.