Turmeric is one of the best-known healthy spices that is predominantly cultivated in countries like India and Central America. In these countries, turmeric gets used in most households as a spice component in the country’s cuisine and also as herbal medicine. As turmeric is rich in essential nutrients like antioxidants, protein, and fibre, turmeric supplements are being prescribed to people with several health complications. Today, turmeric capsules are one of the most prescribed supplements among heart patients and those recovering from surgeries.

What does a Turmeric supplement contain?

Turmeric consists of versatile compounds and nutrients in optimal quantities. One tablespoon of turmeric consists of 0.3 g of proteins, 0.7g of fibre and 1.65 mg of Iron as the significant elements. Most turmeric capsules consist of a serving that might contain less than a tablespoon of turmeric. This herb also consists of curcumin as its most influentially present active compound. Most turmeric supplements might have around 1 g or more of curcumin in each serving.

What is the optimal dosage?

If you would like to take turmeric supplements without any prescription, always go with a 0.5g or 0.75g turmeric containing capsule. On such minimal dosages, turmeric supplements are wholly safe to be consumed every day on a long-term basis. However, higher doses or a high content of curcumin consumption that exceeds 15 to 25mg per day can cause several side effects. Some studies suggest that excess turmeric consumption can create digestive problems and intervene with bowel movements, causing diarrhoea, nausea, etc.

Health Benefits of Turmeric Supplements

Since turmeric contains several bioactive compounds and implies medicinal properties, there are multiple health benefits it offers. An appropriate amount of turmeric in the diet can help build your overall health profile. But here is a list of instances where people can benefit from intaking supplements,

1. Alleviates Diabetic Complications

Research from 2019 identified that turmeric helps in treating diabetes and reduce its intensity in patients. Chronic inflammation can pave the way to common metabolic disorders like heart attacks, diabetes, cancer and many more. As turmeric contains anti-inflammatory properties, it has the potential to minimise blood insulin levels, added the report. Another research also suggests that turmeric also plays a vital role in reducing blood sugar and cholesterol levels, keeping all degenerative disorders at a check.

2. Takes care of your heart

A survey from 2018 says that one in every twenty Australians is living with some form of heart disease. With heart disorders being one of the most prevalent syndromes in the world, turmeric capsules can aid in lowering the risk of a heart attack/block. One of the main complications or factors that can create a heart dysfunction is the thickening or conformational change of the blood vessels.

Curcumin, a component of turmeric, plays a significant role in keeping up with endothelial health. It, in turn, normalises the blood vessels and keeps its function of transporting blood at a check. As already mentioned, turmeric’s anti-inflammatory property also minimises the rate of heart complications or inflammation at the site.

3. Crucially Treats Arthritis

One in every seven Aussies has some type of Arthritis. Luckily, studies show that Arthritis patients respond well to the ingestion of turmeric in most cases. As Arthritis is nothing but an inflammation of the bones and joints in some form of the other, turmeric will aid in alleviating inflammation. Many patients recorded that they can feel the pain go down the scale on a regular turmeric supplement consumption.