Resolutions aren’t just for the new year. Every new month, week, or day presents an opportunity to make positive improvements in your health and life. While there are several ways to create health and weight loss resolutions, the ideal option is to make them only once and keep to them.

If it were so simple, there would be no multibillion-dollar business dedicated to health, diet, and exercise. If you wish to keep your New Year’s resolutions this year. Here are some scientifically validated ways to consider.

Make SMART Goals for the New Year:

Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely are the acronyms for SMART. Making the correct kinds of resolutions, according to the notion, will increase your chances of success. So establish a precise goal to work toward, and you’ll know when you’ve arrived. Make it measurable so you can keep track of your progress. Make sure you’re not setting yourself up for failure by making things excessively difficult. Put a time limit on it. Consider the following:

“I’m going to drop 3 kg in 6 months,” rather than “I’m going to lose weight,” is a far better resolution.

If you wish to lose more weight than you planned, that’s fine since you may establish a new goal after six months. This maintains the motion. The length of time you choose is entirely up to you, but it must be sustainable. So give it a shot and see what works best for you.

Commitment Instruments:

Sometimes even bettering our health isn’t enough to keep us going. You can boost your odds of sticking to a resolution by enlisting the help of an outside motivator. Commitment devices are available in a variety of shapes and sizes, but they all function in the same way. The idea is to discover a means to make oneself accountable for achieving your objective.

Telling someone about your objective is the easiest commitment mechanism. You’ll have created a little social pressure to follow through once you’ve done this. Another typical commitment device is a cash commitment. Paying for a gym membership, for example, puts pressure on you to get out and exercise more.

Both social and economical aspects play a role in the best commitment gadgets. The best options are to hire a personal trainer because they can support your plans to get fit for a short-term goal or activity. With this type of equipment, you’re firmly committed to achieving your objective. You’ll have help getting there as well. With this type of equipment, you’re firmly committed to achieving your objective. You’ll have help getting there as well.


Only 4% of people stick to their resolutions. If you want to be a part of that elite group, you’ll need assistance. Telling someone about your commitment and chatting with them about it on a regular basis will help you stay on track.

Long-term, long-lasting transformation is difficult to achieve. It’s helpful to have someone to talk to about it. It’s much better if you have someone who can alert you when you’re sliding. Workout buddies, diet buddies, life coaches, and weight loss clinics are all feasible possibilities. So look around your circle to see who you can enlist to help you go where you want to go.

Bundling Temptation:

Researchers in behavioural economics are generally huge proponents of temptation bundling. That’s because this is a means of capitalising on your innate desire to do things you enjoy, as well as the power of repetition.

Temptation bundling is a straightforward concept. You choose an activity that you enjoy, such as listening to your favourite podcast or buying a cup of coffee from the best store on the block. Then you only allow yourself to enjoy that thing once you’ve completed the objective you’ve set for yourself. So maybe you’ll only be able to listen to your podcast at the gym. Or you’ll only receive a wonderful cup of coffee if you stick to your food plan and stay within your calorie restriction.

This connects the difficult with the enjoyable, making it less difficult. It also creates a mental pattern. Because our brains are so lazy, habits are so powerful. When you repeat a behaviour pattern, it becomes ingrained in your mind. It reduces the number of decisions you have to make each day. You’re on the right track if you can turn a healthy habit into a positive one.

Be willing to forgive:

Knowing you’ve failed to keep your resolution can be quite frustrating. However, if you are your own harshest critic, it will be difficult for you to recover when you make a mistake. You’re going to make a mistake. You’re a human, and we’re all guilty of it.

You have a better chance of getting back on track if you can forgive yourself for making a mistake and then move on. The alternative is that you become really frustrated and depressed because you made a mistake. This frequently escalates, and you lose track of all the hard work you’ve put in to get to where you are. Remember that just because you’ve had a terrible day doesn’t mean you’ve thrown away all of your progress.

Don’t get bogged down in a rut:

If you’ve been making the same resolve year after year, it’s time to switch things up. It’s not being persistent if you make a resolution you’ve previously failed to keep. If you keep trying the same thing again and over, it nearly becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. So, take a break, create a new resolution, and make it SMART, so you can break the cycle and begin something new.

Don’t set too many goals for yourself:

If you’re ambitious, you can wind up with a list of resolutions that’s as long as the page you started on. While having a lot of goals can make you feel like you’re accomplishing something or making significant improvements, it can also make development more difficult.

If you divide your emphasis into ten distinct resolutions, you’re likely to break all of them. If you make one clear, long-term goal, you can devote all of your efforts to achieving it. You can then move on to the following resolution once you’ve established a new habit.

Our doctor-led clinic can help you build long-lasting, sustainable change based on healthy habits, a positive mentality, and practical tools if you need support, accountability, and an action plan for your weight loss objectives. To learn more, schedule a free consultation here.