Unwinding after a long week at work can be different for many people. Some may find pleasure in sitting back at the beach watching the sunset, away from the hustle and bustle of the crowds and people in general. Some may feel best spending time with family and loved ones with a quiet day at home or a unique and vibrant outing.

Others may feel better smoking cheap cigarettes and having a few alcoholic beverages and hitting the nightclubs and party scene.

For those who are old enough to remember their younger more party-fueled years, there might be moments of nostalgia and secret smiles with those in the know of past deeds. 

Here are some examples of parties that became well known for reasons of their own.

  1. My Space Famous.

Many years ago (and I show my age here), there was a social media platform called My Space. This was quite new and was seen as being in competition with Facebook.

Youngsters (and I’m sure they still do) used to advertise their parties on these platforms and sometimes things got a little out of hand.

In one such instance, a young man advertised his party on My Space and had a few gate crashers and things escalated quite quickly. Police attended and there was a riot of sorts in his street. 

Rather than being upset about this transgression, this youngster relished the attention the media gave him. He snubbed his parents and stayed away from home for quite some time and gave interviews with the media with a vibe of a high self-image.

His name became quite well known for his attitude, hair, sunglasses, and rather brazen attitude.

  1. A whole new meaning to surprise party.

This story has various occurrences, so it appears that it’s not uncommon for such incidents to occur.

A man decides to surprise his partner for her birthday with a party. He tells her will be out of town for work on her special day and all her friends and family pretend they are busy too. 

She usually gets home from work around 6 pm, so he and her loved ones spend the day decorating the house and yard, putting personal and loving touches to their work to make it truly memorable for her.

The lovely lady gets home from work around 6.30 pm hand and hand with another man and they make their way inside and start passionately kissing, oblivious to the crowd standing around them open-mouthed and very shocked.

Safe to say that one didn’t end well.

  1. Here Fido!

This one was told to me by a friend of mine who swears he was actually there.

In another surprise party gone totally wrong, all the girls friends and family hid out in the back yard waiting for her, along with her beloved pet dog.

They heard her come home from work and fumble around in the house for a while, before opening the back door and calling out to her dog. 

A cute moment turned very awkward as she was apparently naked and covered in peanut butter. Oh dear! 

  1. Sorry mum.

Some people are brave enough to host parties whist their parents are out of town, but this can get out of control pretty quick.

One young teenager decided to invite her friends and some ‘cute boys’ from school over for a party. There was alcohol there was music, it was a great party!

As with young people and alcohol, there was also lots of noise, arguing, dancing, vomiting, and being messy and loud all throughout the house. 

People were still passed out and throwing up when mum and dad got home in the morning.

Sorry, mum!

  1. Busy bee gone wrong.

At times people may have the best intentions and genuinely want to help those they cherish.

In one such incident, a young man decided to host a busy bee at his aging parents’ place. There was also work that they had always wanted to get done. Jobs such as repainting the house, new kitchen cupboards, and cleaning up the yard.

Instead of hiring a few professionals or finding a local handyman, he asked his not-so-qualified friends to help and they set about trying to complete the long list of tasks with enthusiasm and dedication over the space of one weekend whilst his folks went camping.

Sadly, everything that could go wrong did. The paint ended up all over the carpets and furniture, the cabinets and kitchen were pretty much destroyed and the lawn mower blew up.

The parents were good with it, the son had the very best intentions and a few local handymen came and helped fix the problems once the word got out.

  1. Bachelor busted!

I recall hearing this one on the radio myself and the segment got axed immediately after this occurrence

A certain radio station used to have a segment where if you had been ghosted by someone, they would call the person o your behalf, live on air. What could go wrong?

This delightful lady calls up the station and tells a common tale. She’d met a cute boy and they had bonded and spent some nights together and all of a sudden, he was ghosting her.

The radio man calls the number and a rather happy young man answers and when the radio announcer introduces himself and asks what he’s doing, the unsuspecting man gladly tells them he is at his inlaws with his fiancé putting the finishing touches to his grooms’ suits for his wedding, which just happens to be the very next day.

  1. Hens Night Hook up.

A group of girls go out for a hens night and the hen disappears whilst they’re on a pub crawl. She’s found some time later in a nightclub snogging a guy who just happens to be on his bucks night!
