It could be a lot of struggle having to deal with the heat while cooking. Asides from being very uncomfortable it makes cooking somewhat tiring. But what can you do? You always have to cook, so finding a way around is your best bet. Here are a few things you can do to make things a lot easier for yourself.

Free up some space in the kitchen 

Smaller kitchens tend to be hotter than larger ones. So if you have a small kitchen you may struggle with keeping the air cool while cooking. Although this may be difficult to control, there are ways to minimize the amount of heat in your kitchen. The best way to do this is to keep a properly organized kitchen. Avoid having items clustered up everywhere in the room. Use shelves, racks, and wall hangers to store items. This is to free up space in your kitchen as much as possible. With a wider space, air circulation is improved, and there is less heat in the kitchen. 

One other way to improve ventilation in a small kitchen is to have larger windows. This keeps enough air flowing into and out of the kitchen, thus maintaining the temperature.

Keep your windows opened when cooking

When cooking, hot air forms in the kitchen and raises the temperature of the room. At this point, it is required that the hot air flows out so fresh air can come in before the temperature of the room drops. So by keeping your windows open you allow easy flow of air into and out of the kitchen. This is one very effective way to keep your kitchen cool even while you are working, and it is also the easiest. If you are not too comfortable about keeping your windows open, you can do that only when cooking and then shut them when you’re done. 

To have even better ventilation, you can also keep the kitchen door opened as well. Kitchen back doors are the most effective for this, but they are not common in custom kitchens. Asides from improving ventilation opening your kitchen windows will create better lighting.

Try the roof

You can consider installing a double roof for your kitchen. This will greatly help with reducing heat and odors. As a plus, it also adds natural light, thus improving the lighting of your kitchen. The only challenge here may be installing it in rented apartments. It is a lot easier to do this when staying in your own house. The double roof is more common in townhomes or single-family homes. As a second option, you can consider using heat-insulating material for the roof, to reduce excess heat. 

Kitchen curtains are not a bad idea

Not everyone likes the idea of installing curtains in their kitchen, but doing this can be an effective means to reduce heat. Asides from their aesthetic functions, the curtain protects against excess heat from sunlight and helps to maintain some level of coolness in the kitchen. When choosing a curtain material, pick one that is thin and translucent to aid easy airflow through the curtain. 

Install the curtains at a point far away from the fire, preferably near the sink. Also, ensure the curtain is washed and cleaned from time to time; the curtain is prone to dirt and odor from the smell of foods prepared in the kitchen To help with the odor, you can try installing a splatter screen to reduce airborne particles caused by grease. The splatter screen has a carbon lining to absorb odors, keeping your kitchen smelling nice. However, it should also be cleaned regularly.

Plants can do more than beautify 

This is one other interesting way to maintain a cool temperature in your kitchen. Natural air purifiers like plants add fresh air and coolness to the room. Not just that, they add to the beauty of your kitchen. Indoor plants can be placed on windows, kitchen slabs, or floating shelves. Choose indoor plants that are resistant to sunlight and heat.

Alternatively, if you have a garden close to your kitchen, you can consider planting large trees, around the kitchen window to keep out excess sunlight.

Use kitchen fans 

Just like fans are helpful in the living room or bedroom, they are likewise useful in the kitchen. There are several types of fans to install in your kitchen. Window fans are very effective ones. You can fix the fan on the kitchen window while positioning it in a way that it blows heated air easily out through the window and fresh air into the kitchen.

The trick is a little different for kitchens without windows. If your kitchen is like that, open the windows of rooms that are close to the kitchen, then position the fan at the doorway so the air goes out through there, and out of the house through the opened windows.

If you are using a range fan, ensure you turn it on before cooking to reduce odors and improve air circulation. Also, regular maintenance is needed to keep the fan functioning efficiently. However, maintenance may vary depending on how often you use the appliance. This ventilation option blows out the hot air and sucks outside air to replace this keeping the kitchen cooler and free of odors. If you are planning to install a kitchen vent fan, you need to consider the size of the kitchen. There are different types to choose from, so ensure you make enough inquiries before purchasing a vent fan.

A hot kitchen is a problem most people face, except of course for those who have got it covered, but that is not the case for everyone. It could be a major problem for smaller kitchens, especially those without windows. Although not avoidable, it can be greatly minimized. Hot and stuffy kitchens are usually less clean, because particles of food, oil, and grease that are carried in the air, are often deposited on walls, as well as kitchen wares and utensils, that way affecting proper hygiene in the kitchen. Improving kitchen ventilation will not only make you feel comfortable while cooking but will also keep the kitchen a lot cooler and cleaner.