As a business owner, you should know your eCommerce website design plays an important role in your company’s success. If you have a poorly designed website, it will discourage people from shopping with you and may even drive them to competitors who have better websites.

This blog post discusses ten ways to make your eCommerce website design more engaging so visitors can enjoy their experience on your site!

Why should you optimize the design of your eCommerce website?

Most consumers go to a business’ website before purchasing, so you must hire a website developer to optimize your site for converting visitors. If you have an unappealing and poorly designed website, people will be less likely to buy from you than if they had visited a well-designed and engaging storefront.

Another reason your eCommerce website needs an optimized website is to make it easier for visitors to find what they’re looking for. The more a website visitor has to search, the less likely they will stick around and become your customer.

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Finally, the design of your site says a lot about your company’s image, so you want to make sure it’s professional and enticing. People are more likely to view you as a company that they can trust if your website looks legitimate, which will increase the likelihood of converting them into customers.

Take time today to optimize your eCommerce store design so you can attract more visitors and convert those visitors into customers. If you don’t have the time to these by yourself, and you’re in Los Angeles, you can hire a website design company in Los Angeles to work on these strategies.

As mentioned in introducing this post, there are several ways to improve your eCommerce design that we’ll discuss throughout! Let’s get started.

eCommerce website design strategies

1. Keep it simple

The first rule in any design situation is always to keep it simple. When you overload your eCommerce store with too much information or clutter, customers will be less likely to take action and purchase from your page because it could look unprofessional and confusing.

Make sure that the elements on your website are easy for visitors to find so they can complete their goals, such as efficiently purchasing a product with no confusion! If you want an expert help in doing this, you can hire a website development company to give you a clean website design.

2. Make branding a priority

If you want your website to stand out from the crowd, make sure it has a strong and identifiable brand. Your eCommerce store design should reflect your business’s values and goals and its personality to build trust with customers.

When someone lands on your page for the first time, they need to know who you are at once! Therefore, we recommend making branding a priority when designing an online shopfront because, otherwise, customers will not feel connected or identify with what you offer them.

Make sure that you are being able to capture the attention of your visitors by using high-grade images from Siegmann stock. This has the benefit of not only contributing to your branding, but also improving SEO metrics, reducing bounce rates, etc. This is one major reason why images, colors and fonts assume such importance when designing a new brand website.

Be intentional about how you use all the elements, including colors, logos, fonts, emails, etc., so that visitors can understand who you are once they land on your site!

Elements such as color scheme, font choice, and layout all affect the mood of your page. If you use too harsh or bold colors, it can be very comforting for customers to browse on your site!

3. Think like a website visitor

Another great angle to getting the right eCommerce website design is to think like your customer!

What are their motivations? What will they be looking for when landing on your page? What would make them stay or leave immediately? Use that knowledge to develop the design of your website. It may be beneficial, while you’re brainstorming ideas, to conduct some research about competitor sites.

Check out what other eCommerce websites in similar industries are doing and try incorporating elements from those pages into yours where it makes sense (and feels natural).

4. Use color to your advantage

In designing your eCommerce website, there are many ways to make the most of color. It’s a powerful tool in engaging your website visitors and connecting with them.

Not only does it have this impact on consumers, but according to Awards, “96% of users say they find sites more appealing when their colors match”.

You’ll want to use color schemes that will appeal directly to your target audience – if you’re selling baby goods, using pink everywhere is probably not going to be effective! Make sure you know who you’re targeting before diving into any design work.

In addition, remember that some colors carry weight differently than others – white space is often perceived as cleanliness or professionalism, while black brings feelings of sophistication and elegance (as opposed to the dark, foreboding feel of red).

5. Use high-quality images

Pictures have the potential to convey a lot of information, and if they’re high quality, you can provide your customers with more insight into what they’ll be getting.

You may also want to try different angles or perspectives – it might surprise you which angle draws the most attention! Using high-quality images is one way that eCommerce websites make their products more appealing.

Remember that consumers are drawn to visuals and written content – having both will give them an opportunity for further engagement on your site.

6. Make your content scannable

Making your content scannable is another way to keep it engaging.

The best way to do this is by using subheadings within your post or page, which will make it easier for readers to skim and understand what’s being discussed.

If there are many points on a certain topic, using an H-layout may also be beneficial – putting all the headings at the top with bullets underneath each one for easy skimming.

Writing long paragraphs about your product or service might bore some visitors, so breaking up text into smaller chunks makes reading more enjoyable!

7. Make it look professional

Your eCommerce website is your virtual storefront, so it should reflect the quality of your product or service.

If you’re not able to design a high-quality website yourself, hiring an expert is highly recommended!

A professional-looking eCommerce store will give visitors confidence in what they are buying and enhance brand loyalty/awareness.

Adding trust symbols, such as badges from security companies, can be useful ways to gain customer trust toward your products or services!

Making sure that there’s a phone number on all pages for customers to contact support if needed can also help increase sales conversions by giving them easy access to help when necessary.

Everyone wants their business’ online presence to look great – this includes making sure that their company logo looks sharp throughout every page of their site.

Including a contact page is also important – people want to know how they can get in touch with you, and it’s helpful for visitors who are unsure whether the purchase was made correctly (for example, if an item didn’t arrive).

Another strategy that online stores can use is making sure their content looks professional by writing clean copy – this will inspire trust among potential customers!

8. Use social proof

Social proof is a psychological tactic that influences people to follow the actions of others. This means if you have testimonials from satisfied customers on your website, potential buyers will feel more confident making their purchase through your store.

Including social media buttons throughout your site can also be very beneficial – it’s an easy way for visitors who are interested in buying from you but aren’t quite ready yet to connect with you without leaving the page they’re on!

9. Make categories easy to navigate

Your website needs product categories, yes, but these should be well-organized and easy to navigate.

For example, make the category titles descriptive enough that customers easily understand what they’re clicking on (e.g., “Clothing” instead of just “Fashion”) – this will keep them from getting lost or confused when browsing your store! If you decide to use subcategories within certain categories, don’t forget to put a link back up top for customers who might have missed it at first glance.

10. Make checkout a breeze

A “checkout” page can be an intimidating place for customers – but if you design it well and make the process as simple as possible, your eCommerce website will lead to more sales.

The best way to do this is to include a section on the product page that allows customers to add items directly into their cart. That way, they can keep browsing your store without having to go back and find the products again!


We hope you’ve found these design tips useful. If you are looking for an eCommerce website solution, contact us at Endertech. We offer web design services in Los Angeles that are aimed at building a site optimized for conversion and provide the best possible experience on every device platform.