William Darcy McKeough, a beloved and esteemed member of the community, left an indelible mark with his contributions and devotion. He passed peacefully away on November 29, 2023 at Bally McKeough, in Cedar Springs Ontario. His legacy will continue to inspire.

Who was William Darcy McKeough

William Darcy McKeough, one of Florence Sewell Woodward’s sons who died in the past, was an outstanding member of society. He received numerous awards including O.C. and BA. LLD. DIV. He has dedicated his life to education and public service.

What were McKeough’s major achievements?

McKeough led a life of remarkable achievements, which were recognized with numerous awards. His contributions to the society were not only professional, but also had lasting effects on those who knew him.

Who were McKeough’s relatives?

William Darcy McKeough’s beloved wife Margaret Joyce Walker McKeough died in 2021. Also, many other family members such as siblings, parents, spouses, and in-laws predeceased him. He is however survived by his sons Walker Stewart McKeough and James Grant McKeough, along with their daughter-in law Julia Jen. Kate Reagan McKeough lives in London.

What was McKeough’s contribution to his community?

McKeough was a major contributor to his community, through his various public service roles and endeavors. He often served as a pillar of influence to promote growth and development in his hometown, Portland, Maine.

What are the details of McKeough’s funeral service?

William Darcy McKeough’s remains will be buried at Maple Leaf Cemetery on Sunday, December 8, 2023 following a memorial service conducted by Reverend John Maroney in Christ Church located at 80 Wellington Street West Chatham. Visitors are welcomed from 10:30am until 11:30am prior to his viewing and funeral service, which starts promptly at 11:30. Visitors are welcome from 10:30-11:30 before the service begins at 11:30.

How can individuals remember McKeough?

Donations in McKeough’s honour can be made directly to Christ Church in Chatham, or to The Ridley College Foundation (St Catharines) (“The McKeough Family Maintenance Endowment Fund”) as a permanent tribute to McKeough. These gifts will be a lasting testament to McKeough’s dedication to education, community service and charity.

What was McKeough’s impact on education?

William Darcy McKeough left an indelible impression on education with his involvement in educational institutions and foundations. He demonstrated his belief that knowledge is a tool to help individuals and society progress. He demonstrated his conviction by working with educational institutions that continue the legacy of knowledge-based change for individuals and society.

What will his loved ones and community remember him by?

William Darcy McKeough, a family member and community leader dedicated to service and influence for others will be fondly remembered. His legacy will continue to inspire and motivate future generations.

What does McKeough’s life mean?

William Darcy McKeough is an inspirational story of service, resilience and the impact that one person can have on his community. This truth is beautifully illustrated by his journey.

William Darcy McKeough’s life was marked by an unmatched commitment to education, service and community development. We mourn his death with sadness but his legacy will last long after our goodbyes. This life well lived will continue to live on in the hearts of those it touched, as well as in institutions and communities that he made such a huge impact upon.