There’s nothing worse than coming home, completely drained of energy, on an empty stomach.

You are so, so tempted to hit up Uber Eats and get a burger. Hold up! Is it really worth it to pay $10 in delivery fees for one measly meal?

Probably not. It’ll take longer to get to you, and chances are if you knew what to cook you’d be able to whip something up even faster.

So, what do you cook? What is fast to cook but also delicious to eat?

Read on to find out some expedient yet scrumptious meal choices.


Here are some amazing and quick options for breakfast. We are often short on time in the morning, yet it’s extra important to have hearty meals to fuel our days.

Overnight Oats

These are yummy and quick to make. All you need is to gather some ingredients, toss them in a sterilized jar, and leave them in your fridge overnight.

You can spruce it up as much as you like by adding specific toppings, or keep it plain and simple if you want to.

Some variations we like are:

  • Oats with bananas, milk, yogurt, and maple syrup
  • Oats with milk, cocoa powder, peanut butter
  • Oats with any sort of fruit you have on hand (fresh or dried)

Eggs Any Way

Eggs are packed with nutrients and protein. They are also easy to enjoy at all times of the day.

We love them scrambled in a nonstick pan, or boiled in a big batch and left in the fridge.

You could also have something like an Asian-inspired ramen egg with leftover rice. If you are wondering what that is, it’s just a soft-boiled egg left in a soy-sauce marinade. Easy eating!

An egg, some coffee in your polar camel, and you’re good to go.


Lunch is one of the most common meals people get takeout. They either feel like they don’t have time for it, or they can’t be bothered to prepare anything for themselves during the workday. Here’s to changing that.

Budget Cheese Board

This meal requires no cooking, just assembly!

Grab something like a Japanese bento box and stuff it with your favorite cheeses, some fancy crackers, and grapes. Dried apricots or dried dates are also options to snack on.

Need cheese recommendations? Try sharp cheddar and gouda, or blue cheese to spice it up.

This meal is the ultimate low-maintenance meal but still delivers nutrients in the form of protein and fibrous fruits.


What are some fast dinner options? When you just come home and are dreading taking a peek at what’s in your fridge.

Fried Rice

This is one of the fastest meals to come together, but always tasty. Better yet, it takes advantage of leftover rice and frozen veggies, and it is relatively cheap. It’s also endlessly customizable.

Olive Oil Pasta

You don’t even need a pre-made sauce for this one. Pasta is one of the quickest meals to come together: just boil the water ahead of time and prep your other ingredients while the pasta cooks.

Remember to reserve some of that starchy pasta water for your olive oil-based sauce. You can also spice it up with some chili flakes, or lemon.

Delicious and easy!

Fast to Cook and Satisfying

Food that is both fast to cook and satisfying is a godsend for anyone leading a busy lifestyle. Sometimes, we don’t have the executive function needed to plan and shop for elaborate meals.

When those times roll around, it can be helpful to have some go-to meals that come together in a flash.

They should be meals that you love to eat so you are more likely to reach for these options than unhealthy ones out of convenience.

For more in-depth recipes, visit our recipe index!