In recent years, a new business model has developed into a lucrative market. In this business model, the consumer gets to enjoy certain services as a result of a product. However, the consumer does not possess ownership of the said product. This is the “as a service” business model. A good example is software as a service (SaaS). Here, a business creates an application in the cloud, making it accessible to all consumers via an internet connection to a device. Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) is one of the other “as a service” models that are quickly gaining traction. UCaaS enables a comprehensive way of communication using different media like telephony, video, and audio conferences, among others. This means that many professionals, like the cloud communications strategy consultants in Torrance, now offer these kinds of services to other businesses for better communication and connectivity.

Overview of Unified Communications as a Service

Imagine you’re a business owner with numerous employees to communicate with regularly. Like most businesses, you may have purchased a communications package from a cellular provider to make company communications easier. However, there’s no getting around the usual hassles associated with cellular communications. For instance, certain building materials or an unsuitable landscape can lead to signal interference, leading to communication problems that can affect productivity.

UCaaS offers a solution to such a problem, and many others, by providing a single point for controlling all your corporate communications. Whether it is video conferencing, text messages, or chats, UCaaS provides a central point of functionality to run all these types of communications smoothly.

Voice over internet protocol (VoIP) technology has been around for decades. It’s concerned with the transmission of multimedia content like videos and voice over the internet using all sorts of devices. VoIP works by converting voice into data packets that are sent to a cloud phone service.

This is crucial to remember because UCaaS is also cloud-based and is driven by VoIP.

When using UCaaS, there’s no need to install additional VoIP equipment or servers; as soon as you choose a contractor to set up UCaaS, they’ll take care of everything including maintenance and security.

It helps to think of UCaaS as a twin of VoIP, only without most of the latter’s complexity. Corporate communication becomes much easier. Your employees can keep in touch with you and their co-workers by phone. Because of the connection to the cloud, your employees can access UCaaS on any mobile device or computer with an internet connection. Issues of maintenance and infrastructure are borne by the UCaaS provider.

Benefits of UCaaS

Given its features, UCaaS provides several benefits to businesses. These include;

1)Presence Everywhere

Connecting with employees and co-workers at any time is one of the main reasons many business owners opt for UCaaS. It helps people stay connected regardless of their geographical location. This makes quick communication and collaboration on projects much easier. Whether you’re a small business or a multi-national conglomerate, UCaaS offers the same solutions to enhance better communications.

2) Free Calls and Texts

Unified communications solutions are the answer to the issue of reducing costs as far as using regular phone systems. It’s feasible to cut phone communication costs by more than half by using UCaaS free calls and texts. This is both for domestic and international calls. A virtual private branch exchange (PBX) makes this possible. Also, there’s no need for the usual phone hardware because all communications are conducted on devices like computers or smartphones.

3) Easy Setup

Even when you’ve been using a traditional phone system, switching to using UCaaS is simple. As soon as you agree on terms with a UCaaS provider, they can quickly set up the system without any disruptions to your normal business communications. The setup is easy and user-friendly, making it easy to add new users.

4) Better Security Updates

Because of their cloud-based nature, UCaaS can be easily updated automatically without the need for specific hardware like with other systems like regular landlines. This eliminates the risk of security and data breaches associated with plugging in external hardware for the updates.

5) Decreased IT Workload

Admittedly, modern businesses have enough access to all sorts of communications and IT systems to manage their workloads. However, the numerous options available can become very overwhelming, thereby leading to complexity as a result of employing several information management systems. UCaaS solves this problem by streamlining workflow and allowing much faster communication. Your IT teams can collaborate on projects more efficiently even when they’re not at the office. This means projects are more manageable.

All in all, UCaaS is useful as a communication tool.