Are you a bisexual female who has been struggling with your sexuality for some time? Perhaps you’re bi-curious and haven’t made up your mind about who you’re drawn to romantically? Or you could be someone who is bisexual and proud and have been enjoying relationships with females and males for some time. Whatever category you might fall into, one thing is for sure. Other people often have many misconceptions about bisexuality. Let’s take a deeper dive into common assumptions that people make and also a closer look into how bisexual girls are shaping the future of sexuality.

What do people think about bisexuality?

Here’s one of the biggest mistakes observers make about bisexuals. That they’re just into having a lot of sexual encounters and aren’t fussy about who they sleep with. If you were to mention this theory to any bisexual, they might well laugh in your face. Some people assume that there’s no such thing as bisexuality. The truth of the matter is that bisexuality is not only real, but it is a potent form of sexuality. Bisexual girls can find themselves attracted to either women or men – the bottom line is that they don’t conform to labeling. As with sexualities that might be thought of as ‘outside the mainstream cis definitions’ (these attitudes do exist, even in these supposedly more progressive modern times – gay, lesbian or trans, and many others), there is a lot of ignorance out there. Bisexuals have to endure biphobia. But not every bi person is straight or gay.

How to date a bisexual girl

Bisexual girls are active in the online environment and like other members of the LGBTQ community, are twice as likely to be dating virtually. If you would like to get familiar with bi-sexual girls, there are worthwhile matchmaking services where you will be bowled over by the range of talent waiting to connect. The registration process is so straightforward – and usually free – meaning that you can get an account set up quickly and begin browsing through the profiles of friendly bisexual females. Each of these individuals will have uploaded their contact details because they are eager to commit to a relationship. The secure communication channel is designed to encourage chemistry.

What problems do bisexual girls face in society?

Society has such a fixation on sex, especially when it involves what other people like getting up to in the privacy of their homes. But straight individuals can be attracted to people of the same sex, and bisexuals can be drawn to a variety of sexual orientations or gender identifications. If there’s one aspect of sexuality in the 21st-century that is gradually sinking into more and more people, it’s the incredible diversity that exists out there. For bisexual girls, it can still be an uphill struggle having to deal with negative perceptions. If you’re a bi female, perhaps you’ve been chatted up by a guy somewhere, and when you admit your inner feelings, they’ve just assumed you’re going to eventually ‘evolve’ into a lesbian. But studies have shown that over 90% of those identifying as bisexual remain that way. Forever!

How does the unexpected representation of bisexual girls change the public perception of sexuality?

One of the biggest issues facing bisexual girls is this sense of misrepresentation. Those who are less open to the fluidity of sexuality that exists in modern society will be mistrusting. But this is why the digital environment has become so important. Dating sites and social media have become havens where individuals can feel free to be as open and honest as they wish about their true emotions. For younger people who might be unsure of how they feel as they develop into adults, these outlets can provide a welcome hub where they can introduce themselves in chat rooms and forums, getting to know kindred spirits who can empathize with them. As they find their place in the world, they can ask all sorts of questions, such as the difference between bisexuality or pan-sexuality or how their tendencies might alter in subtle ways. Bisexual girls gaining confidence can help change the public perception

As we have outlined, there is so much more to bisexuality than tired urban myths about greedy individuals who are just promiscuous. It’s got nothing to do with wanting to experiment with different genders or even simply being indecisive. Bisexuals are attracted to people first, then consider their gender second. It’s all about desires and dreams. A bi girl will treat her boyfriends/girlfriends just the same as anyone else. If you’re in a bisexual relationship, ignore the labels. Spoil your partner with wonderful gifts and enjoy fun times in each other’s company. And forget about conforming to society’s pigeonholes!