Vacation time is in full swing, which means it’s time to pack your suitcase or backpack. Whether you are going to the sea, on a cultural run through the ancient city streets, or into nature with a tent – we have collected small reminders about what you should definitely take with you. And at the same time we tell you where to look for a “necessary and sufficient” set that will fit in your hand luggage. If you’re looking to place some bets along the way, consider checking out Bet22 for a seamless mobile betting experience without missing out on any of your vacation fun.

To the Resort

For most of us, thoughts of vacation are inextricably linked with the sea. We imagine a beach with hot sand, the sound of waves, the scorching sun and a serene resort atmosphere in which it is so great to disconnect from the usual routine. You will need light clothing (ideally made from natural fabrics like linen or thin cotton). But also comfortable shoes, a spacious bag and, of course, sun protection – hat, sunglasses and SPF. We hope that it will not be useful, but let us remind you of our checklist in case of sunburn.

On a Hike

It’s worth preparing for a trip to nature much more seriously than for a resort vacation. And the specific list of equipment depends on the location, level of difficulty, duration, and intended activities. Nevertheless, the basic rules for both a weekend outside the city and a week-long trip with a tent in wild places are as follows. You will need a comfortable backpack, trekking shoes – boots, sneakers or sports sandals. Then, comfortable outdoor clothing, rain protection for yourself and your belongings. Pay attention to waterproof covers for equipment and documents.

For the City

Walking the city streets all day long, having lunch in the most beautiful cafes and restaurants, visiting museums and other attractions – it seems that for lovers of this type of tourism it is easiest to get ready for a trip and at the same time more difficult: on the one hand, there seem to be no special conditions and you can just take your favorite things, on the other hand, you need a compact capsule of comfortable and cool clothes and shoes. Collect it based on your own style, but remember that it is best to rely on things that combine with each other. It’s worth taking proven shoes (the number of steps per day will be off the charts). And also think about a bag that will fit everything you need for the day, a spare cotton shopper (in case you buy souvenirs) and a water bottle (in summer this is a matter of not only comfort, but even health).