Do you know that more than 19 automakers were called in to repair airbags that were installed in the front of passengers? Takata is among the largest suppliers of airbags has been offering its services to cars from 2002 across the world which includes Australia.

However, the issue is that the airbags may explode and could result in serious injury to passengers in the car. This is why an urgent recall was issued to protect individuals.

In sharing today’s content we’ll alert you about the Takata Airbag scam and show how airbags could even cause death to people.

A few words on Takata

It is an auto parts manufacturer located in Japan. The company was founded in 1933. It began manufacturing the parachutes’ lifelines. In addition to expanding their services, they began making seats belts as early as 1995. They were the first company that was based in Japan that was able to build an accident test facility to test seat belts in real-world conditions.

In the following years, it began international services for large countries, including those of the United States, England and Korea.

What exactly is Takata Airbag scam ?

The inflator for the airbag has caught fire with explosive force. If your car’s inflator housing breaks in a crash, the metal fragments will be pushed away from the airbag and then spread throughout the passenger compartment. This can produce a devastating result. The lifesaving device could be the reason behind your injuries.

Takata is the manufacturer of airbags with ammonium nitrate as a propellant, however without the dry chemical components. This means that humidity, humidity as well as high temperatures, among other environmental factors can significantly impact airbag inflation.

Takata Airbag Fraud has led to 19 deaths and 450 serious car accidents to date.

Takata Recall – the need of the hour!

More than ten million cars equipped with Takata airbags have been recalled. Exposure to heat for long periods of time can cause damage to the car. Therefore, NHSTA urges car owners to take action and change their airbags.

About 67 million airbags have been identified as unsafe because the airbags can cause serious injuries. Therefore, it is important to be aware of all the information to ensure that you are secured.

To be safe from Takata Airbag scam and other scams, all motorists must follow some steps

  • Utilizing the number for identification of the vehicle to check the recall information.
  • Make an appointment with your local dealers in cars.
  • The dealer will not charge any costs to repair your airbags.
  • Don’t forget to sign-up to receive recall alerts. This way, you will keep up-to-date with any new recalls.

What is the best way to ensure that the car repair priority being set?

The replacement car parts are available in the first instance for regions that have high temperatures and humidity. It is anticipated that areas in the northern regions will need to wait a while for access to the components. In the meantime, you should be in touch with local dealers for cars.


In sharing the decision on the Takata Airbag scam and ending the story. The company has admitted to its actions and is now replacing its airbags to ensure safety of its passengers in the car. But, Takata Corporation 1995 Recall was also regarded as one of the biggest recalls in the history of the company.