Kundli milan has been employed in Indian marriages and Vedic astrology for thousands of years. Having stated that, whether your marriage is to be arranged or in love, it is imperative to get your kundli matched by an astrologer.

Negative outcomes are frequently the result of neglect and a mismatch between the bride’s and the groom’s kundlis. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that a solution isn’t available. In truth, there are many ways to address the low points in Kundli matching. However, you must first have a fundamental knowledge of matching kundlis before you can do it for yourself or others.

Before approving any marriage proposal, Indian culture and traditions make the families particularly interested in kundli matching. Vedic astrology aids in identifying any flaws in a person’s stars that can have a negative impact on their life. Therefore, it is crucial to identify any potential issues that can arise after marriage.

If the gunas in their Janampatris do not match, the couple hoping for a love marriage gives up. Everyone knows that pairing up their kundlis doesn’t lead to romance. Their romance ends as a result of the mismatched kundli being a barrier in their marriage.

Don’t panic; there are a few solutions for mismatched kundlis that may enable you to marry your partner in a happy and auspicious ceremony.

The Ashtakoot Guna Matching technique is widely used in Kundli Milan. It can provide insight into the standard of living the pair will experience after getting married. The term “Ashtakoot Guna Matching” refers to the eight koots (eight meaning “Ashta”) or kundli tests.

The minimum Ashtakoot Guna Matching score required for marriage should be 18, out of a possible 36. It is unlucky if the score is less than 18. In such a situation, the marriage is frequently avoided because it may result in difficulties later on, including:

  • furious disputes and clashes that never end in marriage
  • issues in offspring even when both parents are healthy
  • Losses in business and finances that hinder professional advancement
  • An obstacle to a good sexual relationship


When the gunas are incongruent, an astrologer should be consulted to thoroughly examine both people’s charts. Before getting married, one should conduct the puja vidhis (rituals) for any doshas that the charts indicate are present. This can counteract the unfavorable impacts of the planets that are responsible for certain doshas, which helps the pair have a happy marriage. Such puja should be performed by a Pandit who is knowledgeable and skilled.

Consult a qualified astrologer to determine the best solution for your particular dosha and kundli mismatch.

Venus, the goddess of marriage and domestic bliss, helps lessen the bad vibes. The wearing of white sapphire can increase Venus’s potency.

This has the power to grant the wearer a happy marriage. However, before wearing such gemstones, you should speak with a professional astrologer. Without the right instruction, wearing gemstones might draw the ill effects of the planets.

A skilled astrologer may advise “Ark Vivah” or “Kumbh Vivah” as a preventative strategy prior to marriage if the seventh house of marriage is weak. Additionally, in order to lessen the negative effects of a weak or afflicted seventh house in your birth chart (which contains a dosha), shanti puja of the dosha must be performed before marriage. That is why, consulting with a knowledgeable Pandit is strongly recommended before roceeding with an alliance.