Are you a huge fan of the Disney animated series Gravity Falls? Do you want to learn more about the artist who created Gravity Falls? Would you like to know more about the animator behind this Disney series? If so, subscribe to this article to learn more.

Shion Takeuchi is an internationally renowned animator. People from all over the world, including from the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, want to learn the details about her life and her career and much more. So, in this article we’ll discuss Shion Takeuchi’s Wiki. the Shion Takeuchi Wikipedia.

Who is Shion Takeuchi?

Shion Takeuchi, a sketcher who is best famous for her work on Inside Out, Regular Show as well as Gravity Falls. She is among the top storyboard artists within the United States. The job of a storyboard artist is serve as the director and creator of animated television shows and films.

About Personal Life of Shion Takeuchi

Shion Takeuchi was born the 5th of September 1988 in a family from Massachusetts located in the US. While there isn’t much known about her family, parents and acquaintances but we do know she was raised within Northborough, Massachusetts.

About Career of Shion Takeuchi

Let’s now take a glance at Shion Takeuchi’s Wiki career as an artist of storyboards.

At first, Shion Takeuchi was not particularly attracted to animation or arts. Takeuchi was not well-versed in digital art and visual arts however, she made a clerical error that Takeuchi considers to be the greatest and greatest clerical error in her life.

What actually occurred is that Takeuchi was planning on pursuing another major, but because of an error in her clerical work her name was included on the School of Visual Arts program.

Takeuchi later graduated with a degree in Character Animation from the California Institute of the Arts. She was involved in a number of animation films during her time. She was also employed by Pixar as well as Disney.

About Shion Takeuchi Wiki: Awards and Accolades

Shion Takeuchi is a plethora of experience in character design and animation. She’s been working on her craft over many years and is among the top storyboard artists from all over the globe.

Takeuchi was employed by Disney, Pixar, and other top names in the world of animation. Her abilities can be measured through the awards and recognitions she’s received over the course of her professional career.

Takeuchi was awarded numerous times throughout her career However, the most well-known award is probably the Best Comedy Shot Award she took home during the Animayo Film Festival, which is the highest-value top-of-the-line of visual arts, animation along with video gaming in Europe. After we have learned about that the Shion Takeuchi Wikipedia Awards, we can look through her work.

List of animated work by Shion Takeuchi

  • Gravity Falls Gravity Falls Shion Takeuchi was a part of Disney on the show’s second episode. Gravity Falls.
  • Regular Show – Takeuchi worked on two seasons of the show Regular.
  • Monster University – She worked with animators for the Pixar animated feature.
  • Inside Job Inside Job Takeuchi developed the comedy show Inside Out, which streams on Netflix.


Shion Takeuchi is one the best artists working in the field of animation. She has created many amazing animations. Check out Shion Takeuchi’s Instagram page to learn more.