Are you planning to upgrade your patio door?

Patios have great potential for making memories, whether catching fireflies with your kids or eating ice cream on a hot summer day. Plenty of patio door styles are available today, from traditional to modern. However, not all of them can suit your house.

If you install the wrong patio door, you don’t only end up with a lesser curb appeal. You also risk affecting the structural integrity of your home. With so many patio door styles, how do you choose the right one?

Check out these patio door ideas for inspiration for your next home project.

How to Choose the Right Patio Door?

Before identifying the patio door styles, you must learn to choose the best design. Choosing the right patio door requires a few crucial considerations. Apart from the style, you must note its functionality, material, and space.

For functionality, ensure your patio door can endure high traffic. If people, deliveries, and other things go in and out of the door, sturdy material is ideal. With this, there’s no need to worry about its maintenance and repair.

For the material, check its durability and maintenance needs. Further, ensure the material you use complements the scheme of your house. Considering home design when choosing a material guarantees an improved appearance.

If you have enough space, you can choose from many options of door styles. However, consider a space-efficient patio door if you have a small room expansion.

Different Patio Door Styles

Most households use their patio door as much as they go in and out of the front door. You must ensure the door patio is strong, stylish, and convenient. To determine the suitable style for your home, continue reading for patio door ideas.

1. Sliding Patio Door

Are you wondering what style of patio door is popular among homeowners?

Today, sliding patio doors are famous for their convenience, affordability, and customizability. This type of door often has two or three panels that slide and overlap, where the other remains in place.

As sliding patio doors open sideways on the door frame tracks, there is more space you can use. So, use the extra room if you want to place furniture or plant by the door. Further, its structure makes it impossible to shut, preventing harm and damage.

Apart from its quality, a sliding patio door offers a light and picturesque view. This makes it ideal for small-spaced homes. Moreover, fit them on anti-lifting tracks to prevent intruders from carrying them out.

2. Multi-Sliding Patio Door

A multi-sliding door is the best option if you have a spacious patio or deck. With this, you can create an expansive panoramic view. Further, a multi-sliding door makes a polished in-and-out transition.

Like sliding doors, multi-sliding style glides open, stacking in a wall pocket. This gives you more space to use for other decorative materials. They are energy-efficient, versatile, and bring a sense of the outdoors into your home, too.

However, multi-slides feature more operable panels compared to sliding doors. This makes it popular in residential areas. Multi-sliding patio doors make the space wide, allowing more natural light.

3. Bifold Patio Door

Like accordions, bifold patio doors glide and fold together if you open them. They are multi-paneled doors connected. This kind of door style offers a single-swing option, giving easy access to the other space.

If your patio often receives high foot traffic, a bifold is an ideal option.

A bifold patio door can replace a large wall section when opened. This makes it appear as if there’s no barrier between the inside and outside the house. It allows natural light and fresh air into your space, too.

When it comes to security, a bifold offers a dual-lock mechanism. Consider a bifold patio door if you need extra security for your home.

4. French Patio Door

French or hinged patio doors are your classic door style option. They are ideal for narrow entrances as they consist of two doors that open from the center.

When using a French door, you can open it inward or outward, one by one, or all at once. To suit your preferred style, you can have your glazing clear, fitted, or glazed with Georgian bars. Further, you can choose between a single-operable or one-operable door, with the other fixed.

As they come in different materials and colors, you can find the perfect design that suits your home. In addition, they feature many door configurations you can put anywhere. With this, you can achieve a remarkable appearance that ranges from classic to modern.

Apart from aesthetics, some French patio doors are energy-efficient and reduce noise. If you have a narrow entryway yet want an improved space, call your local French door installer for a quality door.

5. Bypass Patio Door

For a traditional patio door, you have a stationary glass panel and one or two sliding panels. With a bypass patio door, three panels slide on different tracks. This allows you to place them anywhere along the door frame.

Instead of hiding in a door frame, the design of the bypass patio door exposes and displays it. This gives the space a realistic and industrial ambiance.

However, the problem with a bypass patio door is its inefficiency in sealing rooms. As the door slides outside the frame, they create a gap between the door frame and the door.

Rather than separating individual rooms, a bypass patio door is ideal to use in a large space. If you want to separate your living room from the dining space, consider this type of door style.

Choosing the Suitable Patio Door Style for Your Home

Aside from improving your home’s appearance, a patio door adds value and increases the safety of your home. When choosing a door patio, consider its style, functionality, and material. You can use this guide to determine a suitable patio door style for your home.

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