It’s easy to try a fast fix when hair and soap start building up in your shower drain, but doing nothing will just make the problem worse in the long run. Wondering how to unblock a shower drain? Try these simple tricks instead of pouring chemical additives down your drain or calling a plumber to come and solve the problem.

Use hot water.

Done cleaning the rest of your bathroom with a limescale cleaner? It’s time to unclog that shower drain. While running hot water down the drain of a clogged shower won’t always solve the problem, it’s a good first step. If soap scum is the culprit, boiling water poured down the drain should remove it. Put the kettle on to boil, wait a few minutes for the water to cool, and then flush it away. To prevent pipe bending, avoid using water just as it begins to boil.

Go ahead and use a plunge.

If the clog is close to the drain’s plughole, this tried-and-true method of unclogging drains can be successful. A plunger can be used to extract the troublesome object. Add some lubricant to the edges of the plunger if you’re having trouble getting sufficient suction.

Try to unclog it with some vinegar and baking soda.

White vinegar has long been hailed as a miracle for unclogging drains and other plumbing fixtures. Vinegar and baking soda can be used in this way to clear a clogged drain:

·   A cup of baking soda should be poured down the drain first. After two or three minutes, add a cup of white vinegar to the mixture. There will be bubbles in the mixture.

·   Simply plug it in and let it run for a little over an hour.

·   After waiting an hour, flush the system with hot (but not boiling) water.

·   The combination of baking soda and vinegar should help break up any soapy residue or hair stuck in the pipes, allowing the hot water to do its job and clean them out.

Do it again if necessary; if that doesn’t work, try something else. Even though this is a green and sustainable way to clean your shower drains, use it with caution as it can be corrosive.

Your hands are the best cleaners!

When everything else fails, it’s time to go in there and clear the drain by hand. Here’s how to check the source of the clog in your shower drain:

·   The plughole cover must be removed. Perhaps a screw secures it, or you could use a flat-head tool to pull it off.

·   To inspect the sewer line, flash a torch on it. The clog should be removed if one can see it and reach it.

·   Use a hook to remove clogs that are out of reach. Get the hook end straight and use it to grab the clog.

·   You may have to resort to using a plumber’s snake if you still cannot get anything out. Put it into the drain, spin the handle, and draw it out when you reach the clog.

Get in touch with the experts.

When everything else fails and you have tried the aforementioned solutions, it’s time to contact a plumber. If you have an older home and keep having clogs, it may be time to get the plumbing system renovated. Do you want to completely renovate your bathroom? Go for it. If your shower struggles with low water pressure, a pump may increase the flow of water and make taking a shower more enjoyable.

To Conclude

Did you know the same techniques used to clear blocked shower drains will also work on bathtub drains? Although prolonged use of chemicals to unclog drains is not recommended, using them occasionally can save you some serious money. If you follow the recommendations on the package and run hot water down the drain, the clog will vanish in no time.