Depression is a mood disorder where the feelings of sadness persist for such a long period that it starts affecting a person’s routine life and activities. Emotions are a part of one’s character. Being happy or sad isn’t under our control, but the circumstances trigger us to feel so. Similarly, when an individual repeatedly comes across situations that affect him/her negatively, it will certainly leave an impact.

The depressed individual loses interest in their hobbies or other favorite activities that they once enjoyed the most. The symptoms are quite obvious, yet they can’t be identified easily in the beginning. The person himself finds it annoying and often doesn’t pay attention to them.

Sadly, depression can affect people of any group, be it children, adolescents, and elders too. However, the treatment is possible with certain precautions and great care. Currently, ibogaine for depression is also under consideration by the experts as a potential source of treatment. We’ll see what research has been done in this regard.

Causes of Depression

There can be physical, biological, or financial problems that may cause the illness to trigger.

For instance;

  • If a person suffers from any chronic illness or severe medical condition for a longer time,
  • If there is any chronic physical pain,
  • If there’s any hormonal imbalance or damage to the brain,
  • If a person is going through any emotional trauma (such as in relationships),
  • If a person has experienced early childhood trauma,
  • If a person is going through financial setbacks or failure repeatedly,
  • If a person has a family history of depression or any other psychological illness,
  • If a person is an alcoholic or drug addict

All these factors may contribute to the development of depression at any point in your life.

Symptoms of Depression

Following are the general symptoms of depression that people of any age suffering from the illness may experience:

  • Irritability and aggressive behavior
  • Feeling anxious, worthless, or hopeless
  • Getting annoyed easily
  • Difficulty in concentration and memorizing things
  • Irregular sleep patterns such as insomnia or oversleeping
  • Changes in appetite
  • Fatigue
  • Losing excessive weight
  • Lack of interest in doing favorite activities
  • Chronic physical pain without any reason

Some or all of these symptoms can be observed in a depressed individual. Also, only if they persist for more than a couple of weeks indicates that you are suffering from depression. The severity of symptoms varies from person to person.

Ibogaine For Depression

Using psychedelic drugs is a conventional method to treat mental illnesses such as depression and PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder). Ibogaine is also a psychedelic drug. But due to the severe side effects (hallucination and others), psychedelic drugs are the least preferred ones.

However, after investigating the promising results of ibogaine for depression treatment in rodents, experts have also successfully made a synthetic analog with much lesser side effects. It’s known as Tabernanthalog (TBG). CAN DEPRESSION BE HEREDITARY?


Tabernanthalog is claimed to be a safer form of ibogaine which seems to be more effective against depression, PTSD, and addiction also. However, it’s not yet approved to be used as a prescription medicine as experts say they should be carrying out more experiments to ensure people’s safety.